Nintendo Wii = TRASH

Nov 10, 2007
Not only are the games for this console crap (ooh lookie at this wiiremote...) but now I've realised the reason it won't connect to the internet isbecause my wireless router is too new!? I mean, what kind of messed up reason is that? No other piece of hardware has struggled to connect, only this piece ofcrap!

When I saw WiiMusic I thought 'That does it, this console is just a fat gimmick'. The only reason I touch it now is so my gf doesn't feel badabout getting it for me, bless her. Oh well, something has to collect dust!

After that rant, peace!
To be honest, none of the consoles excite me. Maybe I'll just wait for the next nintendo or Xbox to come out.
i agree. so over rated. which is why i stick with my N64, nintendo, and super nintendo. I just got done playing duck hunt actually.
It doesn't even have an ethernet port to connect to my modem wired, surely that wouldn't have been too much trouble??
wow, that's strange. you claim the wii is trash and yet it sells like hot cakes. i just read the 360 out sold PS3 3-1 on black friday, still people havethis ring of death issue. i buy a $600 dollar PS3 two years ago and had no problems out of it. no points made, i just find it strange.
its not just new routers, its older ones too. i have a belkin router and my 360 connects np and the wii use to connect to it, now all the sudden the wii dontconnect any more. they say its just not compatible anymore. i have even tried using nintendos lan adapter i bought from them that they guarantee me to work,which don't ! they tell me to buy a new router, why should i have to buy a new router, their junk should work with my router !

but i agree, the wii is garbage.
wii is fun if you have a group of people playing, but if youre gaming alone it gets boring real fast. PC gaming>wii,360,ps3,etc
Originally Posted by gumbottombandit

wow, that's strange. you claim the wii is trash and yet it sells like hot cakes. i just read the 360 out sold PS3 3-1 on black friday, still people have this ring of death issue. i buy a $600 dollar PS3 two years ago and had no problems out of it. no points made, i just find it strange.
People will buy into a gimmick.

I'm not trying to come across ungrateful, it was really nice of my gf to get it for me. However, if I knew I would've suggested she saved her moneyand bought me something else. Ah well.
i'm probably one of the few people that just got it only for the classic games (andyes i know about emulators and stuff but i don't care)
Originally Posted by hanhaze502

its not just new routers, its older ones too. i have a belkin router and my 360 connects np and the wii use to connect to it, now all the sudden the wii dont connect any more. they say its just not compatible anymore. i have even tried using nintendos lan adapter i bought from them that they guarantee me to work, which don't ! they tell me to buy a new router, why should i have to buy a new router, their junk should work with my router !

but i agree, the wii is garbage.
I also have a belkin router, it's a well known brand, which is why I am puzzled.
Originally Posted by pr0phecy718

i'm probably one of the few people that just got it only for the classic games (and yes i know about emulators and stuff but i don't care)
The only reason I want to get a Wii is to play Gunstar Heroes.
the Wii is good for games like Wii Sports, Wii Fit, etc. etc. but if you're playing other games, they're much more worthwhile on PS3 or XBOX.
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