NJ teenager accused of selling stepsister, 7, for sex at party

Can you honestly say you were SURPRISED by this story? Cause I wasnt. I mean damn, people are just sick.

-The Juice

but also calm down on the death sentences, the boys are stupid kids who did something disgusting but still kids.
Originally Posted by frostythepoptart


but also calm down on the death sentences, the boys are stupid kids who did something disgusting but still kids.
Fam, teenagers know not to have sex with people in 1st/2nd grade.
Originally Posted by mytmouse76

Originally Posted by Tfromthe617

that's a pretty messed up story, but i don't think she should be charged as an adult.

why not?

i feel like there are circumstances we might not know about, if she's a 15 yr old girl basically having a train ran on her by a group of grown men she was probably also pretty scared. she could have been pressured by those men and in that instant fear could have taken over.. i would like to see all the adults that were present and participated in this charged before the girl. i don't think she should be let off the hook by any means, but punishing her like that isn't going to help anything.
Originally Posted by LetItShine24

Whos worse? The ******ed slutty 15 year old girl or the boys who touched the child?

i think they are equally at fault...them for asking and paying to touch a child like that...and her for allowing it to happen...
I don’t even know what to say. Lousy parents didn’t know where their kids were… and lousy perpetrators who I hope get non stop torture everyday for the rest of their lives. The true scum of the earth is people like this, this is just sickening. This joke of a state Jersey needs to get something right and lock those idiots now. This is just horrible...
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