NKorea warns of nuclear war

Originally Posted by Vietishi

Originally Posted by Oh YoU MaD


Remember when Joe Biden said this: "Mark my words. It will not be six months before the world tests Barack Obama..." N. Korea is testing, and Obamawill do nothing, guaranteed. He will hide behind the UN, and as he has already done, ask Russia to handle it. Because, as Biden was implying, the world knowsObama has no idea what to do.
Originally Posted by J Burner

Remember when Joe Biden said this: "Mark my words. It will not be six months before the world tests Barack Obama..." N. Korea is testing, and Obama will do nothing, guaranteed. He will hide behind the UN, and as he has already done, ask Russia to handle it. Because, as Biden was implying, the world knows Obama has no idea what to do.
this ...
Originally Posted by J Burner

Remember when Joe Biden said this: "Mark my words. It will not be six months before the world tests Barack Obama..." N. Korea is testing, and Obama will do nothing, guaranteed. He will hide behind the UN, and as he has already done, ask Russia to handle it. Because, as Biden was implying, the world knows Obama has no idea what to do.
what is he supposed to do? Go in there by himself? Right now he is going through the proper channels and acting accordingly. What would youdo if you were in his position?
They do NOT want it with us and our allies, trust.

A quick mobilization from South Korea and the surrounding seas would take out any efforts by them mounted for a nuclear offensive.

edit - If Kim wants the United States to flex its military muscle - Be prepared for it to come by Air - Land - Sea -> Air Force - Marines/Army - Navy
Originally Posted by J Burner

Remember when Joe Biden said this: "Mark my words. It will not be six months before the world tests Barack Obama..." N. Korea is testing, and Obama will do nothing, guaranteed. He will hide behind the UN, and as he has already done, ask Russia to handle it. Because, as Biden was implying, the world knows Obama has no idea what to do.
Originally Posted by MOSTHATED770

SEOUL, South Korea - South Korea's president ordered his top security officials Sunday to deal "resolutely and squarely" with new North Korean warnings of a nuclear war on the eve of his U.S. visit. In Washington, Vice President Joe Biden said "God only knows" what North Korea wants from the latest showdown.

President Lee Myung-bak travels to Washington on Monday for talks with President Barack Obama that are expected to focus on the North's rogue nuclear and missile programs.

The trip comes after North Korea's Foreign Ministry threatened war with any country that stops its ships on the high seas under new sanctions approved by the U.N. Security Council in response to its May 25 nuclear test.

damn... These koreans just trying to start a war it seems like...
the rest of the article is in this link
Originally Posted by JordanXI45

NKorea needs to fall the F back before the U.S. jollystomps them.

we can't do anything unless Japan (who are/will), China & Russia do something also. When all 3 join us N. Korea can be put down
Originally Posted by J Burner

Remember when Joe Biden said this: "Mark my words. It will not be six months before the world tests Barack Obama..." N. Korea is testing, and Obama will do nothing, guaranteed. He will hide behind the UN, and as he has already done, ask Russia to handle it. Because, as Biden was implying, the world knows Obama has no idea what to do.

idiot.. They did this to George Bush also, the actually grew exponentially in the past 20 years that got them to this point. They have threatened war, theyhave threatened bombings all before. Do you remember when 9 months into his Administration, the biggest America tragedy on American soil happened? Btw it ishis fault it happened he was told multiple times of an imminent attack.

The reason Obama asked Russia, and is trying to get something done with China is because there is no solution without those two and any solution done just bythe United States throws stability of the world off the edge and causes more problems..

Foreign policy is not simple. That's why Armed Forces have tactics, and don't do what they want everytime.
Originally Posted by J Burner

Remember when Joe Biden said this: "Mark my words. It will not be six months before the world tests Barack Obama..." N. Korea is testing, and Obama will do nothing, guaranteed. He will hide behind the UN, and as he has already done, ask Russia to handle it. Because, as Biden was implying, the world knows Obama has no idea what to do.
And what is he suppose to do?

A Preemptive strike based on THREATS? Shock and Awe part two? Sacrifice thousands of American lives and billions in American treasure based on a THREAT?
Sorry... this isn't the DUMMY GW Bush we're talking about,this is Barrack Hussein Obama. A US President that takes action based on actual data and facts.

And you're making it sound like our Pacific Fleet are not prepared for a nuclear war under Obama. You think those sailors are chilling drinking Margaritasevery day? The people I know on those ships drill every single day to prepare themselves just for this specific scenario.
There is no way in hell N. Korea can launch a missle from their country that will hit NYC. Shut up.

And you all do realize that we have a missle defense system with Japan that intercepts air borne threats aimed at Hawaii, Alasksa, and the west coast right?
Originally Posted by Ziostilon

Originally Posted by milestailsprowe

N Korea HAS TO BE BACKED BY SOMEONE. This makes no damn sense. Economically and Military wise we can DECIMATE THIS Country. How do they think they can fight the world

word to 24 from last season

so are all the innocent people in North Korea collateral damage. you know people in South Korea still got relatives & family in the North. You cant just start bombarding them, you'll have countries like China taking sides. we arent even finished with the Middle East yet, and we're starting another one. So if Iran starts making threats are we gonna go for them too

well if N Korea acutally launchs a Nuke at Us Just watch all the Troops leave the Middle east and Rain Upon NKorea
The North Koreans don't want it. The US is completely prepared for nuclear war, and I'm pretty sure that NK is bluffing... they already know whatthey're going to get into if they fire a nuclear missile.
Give the boomers and seals on board some action. I'm sure they'd love to stop patrolling.
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