no dambs approach in the club: im going hard tomorrow

wait this dude just said he TWERKS off in the cut with his boys? 
Originally Posted by Tr1ll

Originally Posted by Pepper

Originally Posted by solarius49

thats the thing, I'm ok with being told no, but that would never stop me from trying. I mean I'm a grown man, so I didnt come to the club to dance, so the females there should know what it is. The whole "im here to hang out with my friends" line is so tired. Yall coulda did that in the crib
I go to the club to dance. Heaven forbid right? Excuse me if I don't want to watch Lifetime while sharing a bowl of popcorn and sharing horror stories about men from the club. Yes, we 'coulda' did that in the crib, but I don't want to be harassed because I decided to put on my favorite heels. I like being social. I like exploring new areas.
I can't speak for every woman, but I know what it is when I get inside. I'm aware of my garments, and the answer is always going to be no.

Jay - It isn't so much the way that I look (I can't eem blame 'em), it's the way I move.

no humble brag over here guise.

But why tho? You could do the same in pants and sneakers. We all know heels aren't comfortable.

I understand you don't want to be harassed by dudes you're not interested in. I mean to be completely blunt, yes, women are like pieces of meat in the club. I think we have established that, with that knowledge, how you gonna walk in the club looking like a steak fresh off the grill, drippin in A1 sauce and get upset when a dude tries to take a bite. I understand dudes don't came at you right, but I'm old as hell, you not about to run that "I came here to dance" %@+! by me. You came to the club for attention. Thats why you got in the high !$+ heels, spent 20+ minutes putting on make up, thats why you shaking your !$+ in circles. It may not be from me, it may not be from him, but you came to get someone's attention.
Originally Posted by WISEPHAROAH

It's been a tuff summer for you huh o.p.? That meat of yours hasn't been dipped in the  sweet sweet honey glaze of some lovely young lady's inner thigh. Love making is that evanescent fantasy that is slowly melting into memory like a cold cube of ice on a hot summer day? You long for that slapping of your lower torso and upper thigh against a freshly tanned summer buttocks. Well let me assist you my dry dicked compadre. First of all I want you to look in your closet and put together the flyest outfit that you have. I'm talking sport coats, suits, dress shoes or a mean peacoat. Then I want you to wash up shave and throw that professional $!% fit on and prepare to hit the club. Once you're in the club scope the scene. I want you to pick out the baddest chick you see in the whole club and I want you to approach her. Walk up to her while looking in her eyes and say, "excuse me but I just wanted to tell you that you are by far the most beautiful woman in this club that I've seen tonight and when I spotted you a few scenarios ran through my head." One scenario was the possibility of us going to a quiet place and getting to know each other." The other scenario was  of me waiting for you in the parking lot and following you home.......... Your destiny is in your hands now"......... Slowly back away while looking intently into her eyes and disappear into the crowd. Now throughout the night make it an effort to make sure you make eye contact with here several times and everytime look at her like this.

   Yambs will be had indeed my friend.

This thread is pure comedy...
Originally Posted by solarius49

Originally Posted by Pepper

Originally Posted by solarius49

My track record is IMPECCABLE, I dont know what kinda lames you run into

And I don't know what kind of birds you run in to, but I don't like being groped up and grabbed by my waist, or arm or #*# in order to get my attention. Do people not understand personal boundaries?

If im at the club, IM LOOKING FOR BIRDS. I aint tryna meet Winnie Mandela in there. Also if you're in the club, there aint no personal boundries. What approach usually works on you?

Never been to a club only bars and this is the reason why. 

Chicks go to clubs  all dolled up and only want to dance with their friends (you could have done that for free at home) 

My roomates used to go and when they would ask them to dance say " Im gay"

Why are you here....... you know what this scene is about.

If you know you dont want dudes grabbing and dancing on you, don't come.

If I went I wouldnt even be mad if some one was grabing on me.

what do you expect, its a club

I see what pepper is saying, after the 1,2, 3rd attempt why are they still trying?

The answer is alcohol 
Originally Posted by LUKEwarm Skywalker

Originally Posted by 216301baller

@pepper get off the booboo
Acting like her ishh don't stink like errbody else.


My $+$ smells, incredibly awful...especially after cabbage. And my whey protein smoothies.

I don't think I'm better than anyone or anything, I'm just me.

"I've been to an all girls dance club.

90% of them chicks couldn't dance."

"If you know you dont want dudes grabbing and dancing on you, don't come.
If I went I wouldnt even be mad if some one was grabing on me.
what do you expect, its a club"

Hey guise, I think we're all clear now...everyone goes to the club for a different reason.
Originally Posted by Pepper

Thread successfully derailed and terminated. I think my job here is done.

So what you're saying is you're just another troll?
If a chicks in a straight club she's in there to either get smashed or have her ego boosted or both

If you dont want dudes pressin up on them cheeks go to a gay club point blank
Originally Posted by Pepper

Originally Posted by Maximus Meridius

Originally Posted by JayHood23

Pics of you so we can determine if he had a reason 
Dude was dying of thirst.

As far as holding a convo with a female for me its simple you have to have something that girls are attracted to. Looks or money. You gotta have something, if a girl is attracted to you she will show some interest. It might take a few tries with the ones that like the attention but eventually if she likes you it will happen. Thats just from my experience.

ah yes, the thirst. how could I forget? 

Or mami could've been talkin like she do bad dudes go ape $*!! over her, I know I damn sure want to see pics after she mentioned thigh
Originally Posted by 216301baller

This bish pepper messed up my guy ricky thread..I knew she was trollin..

Stop whining.
Either he gets the buns or he doesn't. He did it to himself.
Truth be told, thread was dead awhile ago, plus Ricky didn't post any damn pics!
Originally Posted by Pepper

Originally Posted by Maximus Meridius

Originally Posted by JayHood23

Pics of you so we can determine if he had a reason 
Dude was dying of thirst.

As far as holding a convo with a female for me its simple you have to have something that girls are attracted to. Looks or money. You gotta have something, if a girl is attracted to you she will show some interest. It might take a few tries with the ones that like the attention but eventually if she likes you it will happen. Thats just from my experience.

ah yes, the thirst. how could I forget? 

Or mami could've been talkin like she do bad dudes go ape %%%! over her, I know I damn sure want to see pics after she mentioned thigh
Originally Posted by Tr1ll

Truth be told, thread was dead awhile ago, plus Ricky didn't post any damb pics!

fixed... but come on Trillionaire... I said I failed... I'm just gonna dust myself off and shoot for it again on Friday. I'd rather have ego crushing moments than what if moments ... basketball reference "I'm on the court 2 for 11, wondering why I'm not 2 for 12"...
wow convinced chicks are dumb.

if you don't want to be harassed my men, go to a gay club and go dance with your girlfriends.

i've seen a girl cry for the attention and look bewildered when she didn't get it.

got +@!!%+ setting up hail mary plays all vowing not to approach her and $++*. watching her drop it low, eyes circling all over the floor to see if she has anyone's attention or anyone asks her to dance, and the @#!#@#@ panic that sinks when she gets none.

then you scoop her up feed her ego for 15-20 minutes. and she's satisfied and goes on about her day. (whew it was close though she may have had a full bulimic episode getting home and no one asked her to dance)
Originally Posted by frostythepoptart

wow convinced chicks are dumb.

if you don't want to be harassed my men, go to a gay club and go dance with your girlfriends.

i've seen a girl cry for the attention and look bewildered when she didn't get it.

got +@!!%+ setting up hail mary plays all vowing not to approach her and $++*. watching her drop it low, eyes circling all over the floor to see if she has anyone's attention or anyone asks her to dance, and the @#!#@#@ panic that sinks when she gets none.

then you scoop her up feed her ego for 15-20 minutes. and she's satisfied and goes on about her day. (whew it was close though she may have had a full bulimic episode getting home and no one asked her to dance)
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