No Fap 2k14 Vol. Together we can make it.

I was a serial fapper. Even if I woke up late for work I wouldn't leave that bed without stroking my meat first.
During my Undergrad, I took a course like 6-7 years ago (to fill a requisite of my Humanities and something still health related) called the Evolution of Human Sexuality.

From what I took on Masturbation and Pornography is this. Pornography is deemed "unrealistic", correct? So what is different than thinking of a fantasy in your head? A fantasy is a picture of "unrealistic" acts, no? Pornography is a piece of material that gets a sexual arousal, which could be anything ie a movie, a Hardees commercial, ect. A couple of authors have actually claimed that pornography is a compulsive act, not an addictive one. I would have to agree.

Reason is:

Addiction: Someone will do "A" to to reach that "high" because of the addiction

Compulsion: Someone will do "A" because of a continuous thought that will not cease until the act is complete.

Very different definitions, and the term "addiction" is used very loosely. Addiction and Compulsion do not have the same impact on the brain either as someone mentioned of dopamine being released. Also, there is no research that shows watching porn causes erectile dysfunction.
During my Undergrad, I took a course like 6-7 years ago (to fill a requisite of my Humanities and something still health related) called the Evolution of Human Sexuality.

From what I took on Masturbation and Pornography is this. Pornography is deemed "unrealistic", correct? So what is different than thinking of a fantasy in your head? A fantasy is a picture of "unrealistic" acts, no? Pornography is a piece of material that gets a sexual arousal, which could be anything ie a movie, a Hardees commercial, ect. A couple of authors have actually claimed that pornography is a compulsive act, not an addictive one. I would have to agree.

Reason is:

Addiction: Someone will do "A" to to reach that "high" because of the addiction

Compulsion: Someone will do "A" because of a continuous thought that will not cease until the act is complete.

Very different definitions, and the term "addiction" is used very loosely. Addiction and Compulsion do not have the same impact on the brain either as someone mentioned of dopamine being released. Also, there is no research that shows watching porn causes erectile dysfunction.
Actually it is.
There has never been a medical journal article that says "A" definitely causes "B", bro. Trust me.

An Erectile Dysfunction Myth
Pornography is not the problem.
Published on August 29, 2013 by David J. Ley, Ph.D. in Women Who Stray

According to many popular dialogues online and in the media today, watching too much pornography can cause erectile dysfunction. In response to my writing, I regularly receive criticisms from folks who believe that porn addiction has affected the quality of their sex lives and ability to get erections.

here is a scientific value to anecdotes, as such claims can often give rise to scientific theories and hypotheses, and guide future research. An apple falling on Newton’s head is a good example of an anecdote which drove the development of a testable theory. It is reasonable to examine whether there is medical or scientific evidence which might support the above anecdotes, and to encourage future research.

A review of Pubmed, the largest online database of medical literature, reveals that there is not a single published study linking pornography and erectile dysfunction. A search for the terms “erectile dysfunction pornography” yields 52 publications. Of these, the bulk are studies that use pornography, or “visual sexual stimuli” (VSS) to test erectile dysfunction. In fact, urologists and researchers have found that pornography viewing is an effective, noninvasive and reliable test for psychogenic erectile dysfunction. One fascinating study identified that the brain activities of men watching pornography are not significantly different in men with and without erectile dysfunction.

Two compelling recent studies discuss high rates of erectile dysfunction, among young men. A 2013 study by Capogrosso, et al., found that 25% of men seeking treatment for first-onset ED were under age 40, and characterized these high rates as “worrisome.” A 2012 study by Mialon, et al., identified that 30% of young Swiss men reported a history of erectile dysfunction (though the majority of these reports were classified as “mild” ED). This study is remarkable, in that it represents a valid snapshot of the population of all young Swiss men, given that the research involved over nine thousand men, reporting for nationally-required universal medical screening to determine military capacity.

Both of these studies identify that there is very little existing research that examines the rates of erectile dysfunction in young men. Historically, this has been studied and treated predominantly in older men. However, society has undergone a dramatic shift in the past years, as medications for erectile dysfunction have become more widely available. Since 1999, when Bob Dole appeared in commercials for Viagra, there appears to have been a decrease in the stigma associated with disclosing erectile dysfunctions. The high numbers of disclosure of erectile dysfunction in young men may reflect this change, and not an increase in the rates actually experienced.

But, on what do Miallon and Capogrosso blame these high rates of erectile dysfunction in young men? The answer is not pornography. In fact, pornography use doesn’t come up in either of these studies, nor in any of the reports of these young men. Mialon, et al., found that young men’s erectile dysfunction was linked to use of medication without a prescription, to a low level of sexual experience, and to both mental and physical health. Tobacco use, alcohol use and drug use were also significant predictors. Capogrosso, et al, found similar results, where young men presenting for treatment of ED reported much higher rates of cigarette smoking and alcohol use, when compared to their older counterparts.

It is frankly surprising to many of us that one-quarter to one-third of young men may experience erectile dysfunction. But, I think that the surprise about these rates is likely tied to the fact that throughout history, this wasn’t something that was researched, or disclosed by young men. So, any report of ED in young men is surprising, because we have long believed that this just doesn’t happen to young men.

When men, whether old or young, report erectile dysfunction, I think it is an opportunity, not a tragedy. In my clinical practice, I invite such men to explore the idea that one’s genitalia plays only a small role in sexual activity. Failing to get an erection may direct men to attend to other aspects of the interaction, and may also sometimes be a cue to attend to psychological or relational issues; Herb Goldberg, Ph.D. called this “The Wisdom of the Penis.” I sympathize with the fear and anger expressed by the men in the above comments, who are struggling with something they don't understand and can't control. But, I’m saddened by the degree to which this vibrant dialogue has accepted that a man’s sexual value is determined solely by the hardness of his erection.

A similar problem has occurred when women are accused of becoming "addicted" to vibrators, with the fear that using them inhibited a woman's ability to have orgasms during so-called "normal" sex. Like the arguments about male porn use and erectile dysfunction, this argument is tainted by gender bias and lack of understanding of sexuality.

These perspectives remind me of other documents also available on the Pubmed site, treatises from the 1800’s on the dangers of masturbation and “self-pollution.” These arguments were introduced to medicine in the 1700's by Samuel Tissot, but also occur in many religious/spiritual traditions, such as Eastern religions that discuss "Chi" and the tantric offshoot called Karezza. All of these theories are based on the nonscientific concept that orgasm/ejaculation somehow deplete a person's energy, just like athletic coaches commonly tell athletes to refrain from sex prior to competition.

I’m glad the reddit no-fap site, and the yourbrainonporn sites are inviting and encouraging young men to share their stories, to discuss sexuality, and helping these young men to educate themselves about their sexuality. Those are all good things, though I worry that these sites are great examples of the dangerous power of social psychology. Peer pressure, conformity theory, expectancy theory and sample bias can all lead to an impression that these anecdotes are more representative than they may truly be.

The porn use reported by these individuals is not "a single variable" but involves masturbation, and significant time on the Internet, affecting their daily schedule, physical health, relationships, etc. Any or all of these variables may also affect erectile function and are not discussed in a simplistic "blame-porn" approach.

As a clinician, I’m ethically concerned when groups actively recommend things that are not supported by science or clinical practice. At this point, there’s no scientific evidence to suggest that the ED reported by these young men cannot be explained by known causes. To ethically assert otherwise would require research or studies that weeded through individuals making these reports, and used good methodology and thorough assessments that ruled out the above known causes, to identify if there is truly a group of men with ED that cannot be explained by factors other than porn use. But, at this time, it appears most clinically and scientifically appropriate to work under the assumption that porn use and erectile dysfunction are not causally linked.
Bruh I swear to god me n wifey smashed like 6 am and I had one of the healthiest strongest boners ever. My half chubby was even stronger. When she was doming me I had the half and she was like damn it look bigger and I'm jus smh in my dbz voice " stupid fool, it isn't even in final form". Joint got rock soled and I demolished that ***** no lie. But shortly after she went to work and my joint was still hard so I fapped :frown:. No porn tho straight replay of that session, but if 8 days got me that I know I can do 3 mths again
Made it to 3 weeks & Its my birthday 
3 weeks is my short term goal... for some reason i cant get past 2 weeks... this coming monday will be 1 week so ill take this day by day... fapping hasnt ruined my life but sometimes i didnt go out cuz i fapped... im weird like that i feel like people know i fapped and its on my mind so i just chill at the cribbo :smh:
Bruh I swear to god me n wifey smashed like 6 am and I had one of the healthiest strongest boners ever. My half chubby was even stronger. When she was doming me I had the half and she was like damn it look bigger and I'm jus smh in my dbz voice " stupid fool, it isn't even in final form". Joint got rock soled and I demolished that ***** no lie. But shortly after she went to work and my joint was still hard so I fapped :frown:. No porn tho straight replay of that session, but if 8 days got me that I know I can do 3 mths again
lol @ the voice.

17 days in this oe...

I can call it... By next week... Around the 23-25th day...

Savage life kicks in and I start pulling birds like a champion.

Still in this bish!!! 3 weeks n some...honestly imma just stop counting and forget about my hand doing the deed. I'm newly single, got about 3 chicks i'm talking to plus the cougar is making me a grilled turkey dinner Monday night! Going by lover's to cop dat oil..... bout to make my own flick ! LESSSS GOOOOOO!!!! :nthat:
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it's like every day i go without fapping, the inner lion in me is growing. Last week I was like simba, young vulnerable lion cub. Now...NOW!!!!! I'M FEELING LIKE FULL GROWN MUFASA IN THE JUNGLE, these chicks can't tell me NOTHIN, fam. NOTHIN. By January 1st I'm gonna be walkin around this piece like I'm 6'9.

Here's another one of my theories.

A man that lacks confidence approaches a female as if it's a life altering task, similar to applying to the university of your dreams, or your dream job. you get nervous because rejection would hurt your self esteem. Her response/validation is just that important to you. If it doesn't go your way, you're left feeling crushed and defeated.

A man with confidence has a mindset similar to shopping for a shirt and a particular store runs out of your size/color. It's a slight annoyance, but it doesn't stop you from shopping and going after what you want. You brush it off and go about your day knowing that it doesn't affect your life in the slightest bit. There's tons of shirts out there, B.
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am i doing something wrong? i didn't really feel any different and i went almost 2 weeks before failing...i didn't feel any sort of motivation, inner power beast, or anything...if anything i felt more antsy...

am i broke or something? 
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Day 10 for the kid...:pimp:

I'm the new ____ at my job, && deh wiminz already nicknamed me August Alsina :lol:

This world is in store for something very very to Wisconsin to finish up school starting in January, bouta kill me with the pompadour cut, AND I'm off this fap **** for good...**** wit me :pimp: :nthat:
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am i doing something wrong? i didn't really feel any different and i went almost 2 weeks before failing...i didn't feel any sort of motivation, inner power beast, or anything...if anything i felt more antsy...

am i broke or something? 
Bruh, get off that hand movement! let a bish get you off.....You depending on your palms to get the job done and satify yourself. You'll feel that inner beast when you give her the biggest load your or her have ever seen. WE OFF DAT FAP
Day 5 no urges to fap but still watching these filthy movies smh :frown:

I struggle with this too. I have been good with not watching movies since Wednesday though. Haven't fapped since October 3rd or so.

I'm supposed to be going home to see my girlfriend this week, but I feel like she's about to break up with me and give me no yambs. that'll suck cuz I got nothing else and it'll be my 25th birthday.

still won't break though, my mind is made and I will make it till at least January 1st.
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