No Fap February 2013 vol: IN THE BOOKS. congrats to everyone!

Still in it. About to head to the gym before the game starts. Should be good for the rest of the day 8)
Im still good but if beyonce lookin fine during the superbowl damn
And u KNOW she will be..damb.
Best Of The Booty: The 20 Greatest Beyoncé GIFs To Get You Ready For The Super Bowl
come to the dark side guys. you have no idea how good it feels after 4-5 days. just do it. relieve that pressure. you owe it to yourself. you arent gaining anything by doing this. these guys are false prophets, promising you riches and wisdom, you gain nothing but blue balls. i promise you it feels good. give in. don't you miss it? bite the apple Eve
You a fool bra 
come to the dark side guys. you have no idea how good it feels after 4-5 days. just do it. relieve that pressure. you owe it to yourself. you arent gaining anything by doing this. these guys are false prophets, promising you riches and wisdom, you gain nothing but blue balls. i promise you it feels good. give in. don't you miss it? bite the apple Eve
keep typing papi 
its been easy so far... prolly cus i've been sick the past couple days

shall get interesting very soon
Day 3 and I'm feeling great. Got a lot of errands I need to run so I'll be busy all day.


Not going to Lie, you titling the fail list as this helped today during skype convos. Day 3, still Good.
As long as I get yambs every day I'll be straight. ...

Single, live at home, I have no chance. ...still in for now
still here bros.

Yah, did some research on fapping and came across that reddit article. It helped me out so I figured i'd share. Anyway still in but for the past two nights I have had seductive dreams about two chicks that had been giving your boy some time way back when. Build-up dreams i guess.

It's 12:13am and to resist the late night urge im bout to watch Dexter, im already on the 3rd episode of the second season. Stay strong faptronauts.
Still in this. Start a new job on Tuesday though, might have to have one of those stress relief faps. Must resist.
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Still in. 72 hours was a breeze. In my experience the next few days will either make or break you. Stay strong! Godspeed.
Still in it too, no real urges because I've been on a family trip. When I get back though the challenge really begins
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