No pron January

Since we were on the topic of fleshlights and masturbation suits and ****.

*Removed so a ***** won't get sniped*
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 at the No Fap Thread getting locked.
the place where i made copies for work had computers for rental use and there were dudes that would pay to use the internet and surf porn for hours. this was before smart phones :lol:
there was one guy watching his own porn. he was a submissive and worshipping some girls foot :lol: :evil:
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Dudes are idiots for getting no fap locked forreal. How you gonna have a thread for dudes tryna abstain but posting all kinds of reckless ****.

Day 26 of no porn/fap.
Real talk don't come in here with those thirst traps . Ppl are really struggling and you crab in the bucket dudes want us to die in a car crash While fapping.

Please keep it positive.

I got meth on speed dial. I'm a snitch by blood
So u guys still beat off, but just not to porn? Would u guys say u jo now as often as when u guys were watching porn??
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