No thread on this? Seriously? vol. POSSIBLE Iranian terror plot against the US

Apr 25, 2005
Washington (CNN) -- The United States has had "direct contact with Iran" about the alleged plot to kill the Saudi ambassador in the United States as the Obama administration ratchets up its rhetoric against the Islamic republic.

State Department spokeswoman Victorial Nuland, disclosed the development at a press briefing. A senior administration official told CNN the contact occurred on Wednesday and was initiated by the United States.

Nuland said she can't say who spoke to whom or where the meeting was held. She said it was not in Iran.

This comes as President Barack Obama weighed in on the alleged plot, saying the development is "not just a dangerous escalation, this is part of a pattern of dangerous and reckless behavior by the Iranian government.

Obama called it a sign of how Iran has "been outside of accepted norms of international behavior for far too long" and the United States will work with international partners and will take steps to ensure that Iran "pays a price.

Iran vehemently denied the plot. A Tuesday letter from Iran's permanent U.N. representative to U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon expressed "outrage" over the allegations and said the country "strongly and categorically rejects these fabricated and baseless allegations, based on the suspicious claims by an individual. Any country could accuse other countries through fabrication of such stories. However, this would set dangerous precedents in the relations among States."

Speaking to reporters with visiting South Korean President Lee Myung-bak. Obama underscored a principle of international behavior: that diplomats are protected.

"This plot was not simply directed at the United States of America. This was a plot that was directed against the Saudi ambassador. And I think that what you're going to see is folks throughout the Middle East region questioning their ability to work effectively with Iran."

Even if at the highest levels, Iran did not have detailed operational knowledge of the alleged plot against the Saudi ambassador in the United States, "there has to be accountability with respect to anyone in the Iranian government" engaging in such an activity, Obama said.

Iran must answer to the international community "why anyone in their government" is engaging such activities, he said.

"This is just one example of a series of steps that they've taken to create violence and to behave in a way that you don't see other countries doing," Obama said.

Obama said Attorney General Eric Holder "laid out a very specific set of facts" and the United States would not have brought the case forward if it weren't able to back up the allegations.

"What we know is that an individual of Iranian-American descent was involved in a plot to assassinate the ambassador to the United States from Saudi Arabia," Obama said. "And we also know that he had direct links, was paid by and directed by individuals in the Iranian government. Now those facts are there for all to see."

He praised the "outstanding" U.S. intelligence work that helped thwart the plot that he said would also have killed innocent civilians.

"We would not be bringing forward a case unless we knew exactly how to support all the allegations that are contained in the indictment," he said.

Obama said the first step by the United States "is to make sure that we prosecute those individuals that have been named in the indictment" and "the second thing that we're going to continue to do is that we're going to apply the toughest sanctions and continue to mobilize the international community to make sure that Iran is further and further isolated and that Iran pays the price for this kind of behavior."

Ambassador Mohammad Khazaee, Iran's permanent representative to the U.N., wrote Ban that Iran condemns and has been a victim of terror, citing "the assassination of a number of Iranian nuclear scientists in the past two years carried out by the Zionist regime and supported by the United States."

It says the move is "politically-motivated" and a "showcase of its long-standing animosity towards the Iranian nation." The letter says Iran wants to have "friendly relations" with all countries in the region, "particularly with its Muslim neighbors.

"The Iranian nation seeks a world free from terrorism and considers the current U.S. warmongering and propaganda machine against Iran as a threat not just against itself but to the peace and stability in the Persian Gulf region. The Islamic Republic of Iran warns against the implications of this horrible scenario and submits that the continuation of such divide-and-rule policies could have detrimental effects on peace and security."

There has been tension and rivalry between Iran, predominantly Shiite, and Saudi Arabia, predominantly Sunni.

U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Susan Rice wrote Ban on Tuesday about the "attempted plot" and said it "constitutes a serious threat to international peace and security."

"We have confirmed information that this conspiracy was conceived, sponsored and directed by elements of the government of Iran. Had this terrorist plot not been disrupted, it would likely have resulted in the injury or death of the Saudi ambassador and others."

Rice said that information shows that Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps-Quds Force and some of its "high-ranking officers," including Hamed Abdollahi, Abdul Reza Shahlai and Ali Gholam Shakuri directed and funded the conspiracy."

She said the United States intends to discuss the issue with other members of the U.N. Security Council.

Details about the case surfaced Tuesday.

Manssor Arbabsiar, a 56-year-old naturalized U.S. citizen, and Gholam Shakuri, an Iran-based member of Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, are accused of conspiracy to murder a foreign official, conspiracy to use a weapon of mass destruction, and conspiracy to commit an act of terrorism, the FBI said.

Arbabsiar was arrested in September. David Tomscha, a friend of Arbabsiar in Corpus Christi, Texas, said the man traveled to Iran once a year and owns property in Iran.

Shakuri remains at large, the bureau said.

The two were in a group that began planning last spring to kill Saudi Ambassador Adel Al-Jubeir, the FBI said.

It is unclear why the Saudi ambassador may have been targeted, the official said, or how widespread knowledge or approval of the alleged plot may have been within Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's government.

Robert Jordan, a former U.S. ambassador to Saudi Arabia, said Al-Jubeir "is so close to King Abdullah that I think it does make him a target to some degree. He is almost like a son to the king."

The Saudi ambassador was not the only intended target, U.S. officials said. The suspects also discussed attacking the Israeli and Saudi Embassies in Washington and possibly in Buenos Aires, Argentina, a senior U.S. official said.

Authorities developed the case against the suspects with the help of an undercover informant posing as an associate of a Mexican drug cartel, according to officials and an FBI agent's affidavit released Tuesday.

Arbabsiar and the informant allegedly discussed using explosives to kill the ambassador, possibly in a crowded restaurant, according to the affidavit.

The informant named $1.5 million as his price, it said. Arbabsiar allegedly sent $100,000 intended as a down payment, telling the informant his "cousin" had deep pockets, court documents said.


I honestly don't think Iran would be dumb enough to pick a fight on U.S. soil, but that's just my take on it. It seems more plausible to me that this is an Israeli plot for further sanctions against Iran. Israel has made it pretty clear that Iran is their #1 threat. Plus Iranian intelligence is damn good at their job, and this just looks like sloppy work to me.
Everything regarding US foreign policy always wants me to take a double look and analyze ALL angles...

with the evidence of black flag, and false flag, and covert operations that we do...on top of all the propaganda we get fed, its really important for us to not jump to conclusions over things like this... I really need to see what actually went down before I can start screaming sensationalized headlines.

For instance, did you all know the "night Osama died
" there was like 20+ other COVERT OPERATIONS going on that NIGHT? Or some crazy number? It was more than 10 if I remember. 
I suggest ya'll look in to Stuxnet and watch the TED talk on might blow your mind. 

But thanks OP...its just the skeptic in me.
Originally Posted by sillyputty

I really need to see what actually went down before I can start screaming sensationalized headlines.
Problem is, we will never know. It's ridiculous to me that a ton of the media are taking the government's word for this without hearing any evidence.

I just really don't think that Iran wants beef with the U.S., and a terrorist attack here is probably the dumbest thing they could do. From everything I read the whole thing just looks sloppy, very uncharacteristic of Iranian intelligence.
Son if you keep listening you everything you hear in the media you will never know whats REALLY going on in the world.

I guarantee you Iran will not be bombing any embassies. Must be a slow day at CNN.
Here we go. Accusing Iran of something they have no proof of...again.

How convenient is this? Eric Holder has just been subpoenad  for lying about Fast and Furious and poof all of a sudden Iran!

We are suppose to believe that the Mexican Cartel was helping Iran, but yet the U.S. government i.e. ATF, FBI, ect have been CAUGHT smuggling drugs and guns to the same group.
Originally Posted by illwill24

Son if you keep listening you everything you hear in the media you will never know whats REALLY going on in the world.
That was my point. I believe something fishy is going on. It's concerning to me, considering the implications of this. A terrorist attack orchestrated by the Iranian government would pretty much be an act of war, so this is a big deal.
It's always US funded , US co-op, US involvement, US entanglement , US backed ,and US sanctioned....

This is nothing more than a pretext to keep everyone on alert of what's to cone in the very short future...

If the Intelligence agencies cease recruiting , funding , and sponsoring terror attacks then there will be no attacks to foil..
Originally Posted by rashi

Here we go. Accusing Iran of something they have no proof of...again.

How convenient is this? Eric Holder has just been subpoenad  for lying about Fast and Furious and poof all of a sudden Iran!

We are suppose to believe that the Mexican Cartel was helping Iran, but yet the U.S. government i.e. ATF, FBI, ect have been CAUGHT smuggling drugs and guns to the same group.

A plane registered to the CIA for transporting prisoners from Europe to Gitmo crash landed in the Yucatan in 2007 with TONS of kilos of cocaine on board...

What about Gary Webb found with two bullet holes to the head ...and it ruled a suicide? Especially after exposing the LAPD and FBI knowing about putting drugs on the streets of LA in the 80s.

What about us not subsidizing the crop farmers in afghanistan to not produce poppy but something else?

Oliver North???

If nothing else, Operation AJAX should tell you all you need to know about Iran...
" would be far more preferable if the United States could cite an Iranian provocation as justification for the airstrikes before launching them. Clearly, the more outrageous, the more deadly, and the more unprovoked the Iranian action, the better off the United States would be. Of course, it would be very difficult for the United States to goad Iran into such a provocation without the rest of the world recognizing this game, which would then undermine it. (One method that would have some possibility of success would be to ratchet up covert regime change efforts in the hope that Tehran would retaliate overtly, or even semi-overtly, which could then be portrayed as an unprovoked act of Iranian aggression.)

This suggests that this option might benefit from being held in abeyance until such time as the Iranians made an appropriately provocative move, as they do from time to time. In that case, it would be less a determined policy to employ airstrikes and instead more of an opportunistic hope that Iran would provide the United States with the kind of provocation that would justify airstrikes. However, that would mean that the use of airstrikes could not be the primary U.S. policy toward Iran (even if it were Washington’s fervent preference), but merely an ancillary contingency to another option that would be the primary policy unless and until Iran provided the necessary pretext." -page 84-85 of "Which Path to Persia?" Brookings Institution, 2009.

Russia and China react cautiously on Iran plot

14 October 2011
UNITED NATIONS — America’s allies said Thursday that U.S. evidence of an Iranian plot to kill Saudi Arabia’s ambassador in Washington is convincing, but Russia and China reacted cautiously.

Susan Rice, the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, briefed top envoys from the 14 other Security Council nations Wednesday as part of a U.S. diplomatic campaign to use the alleged plot as a springboard for increased international condemnation of Iran and, perhaps, for new sanctions.

The allies said the evidence presented by Rice clearly showed the involvement of Iranian officials — but left unanswered the question of whether Iran’s top political and religious leaders knew about the plot.

“It’s very credible and very convincing,
Originally Posted by sillyputty

Originally Posted by rashi

Here we go. Accusing Iran of something they have no proof of...again.

How convenient is this? Eric Holder has just been subpoenad  for lying about Fast and Furious and poof all of a sudden Iran!

We are suppose to believe that the Mexican Cartel was helping Iran, but yet the U.S. government i.e. ATF, FBI, ect have been CAUGHT smuggling drugs and guns to the same group.

A plane registered to the CIA for transporting prisoners from Europe to Gitmo crash landed in the Yucatan in 2007 with TONS of kilos of cocaine on board...

What about Gary Webb found with two bullet holes to the head ...and it ruled a suicide? Especially after exposing the LAPD and FBI knowing about putting drugs on the streets of LA in the 80s.

What about us not subsidizing the crop farmers in afghanistan to not produce poppy but something else?

Oliver North???

If nothing else, Operation AJAX should tell you all you need to know about Iran...

I see you.
The whole thing is an example of hypocrisy at its finest.

Supposedly Iran conspired with criminals (Mexican drug cartels - which are US funded btw but that's another topic) to kill a Saudi leader and now Saudi Arabia/America are crying about it.

That's nice and all.... but...

Saudi Arabia ALREADY conspired with criminals (Israeli govt - which is funded by the US btw but that's another topic) to kill Iranians (unless the IDF jets were going to drop flowers and chocolates).

ON WHAT GROUNDS DO THE SAUDI'S HAVE ANY RIGHT TO COMPLAIN ? Hilarious. Notice how this supposed Iranian hit is labeled as a "terrorist plot" but the Saudi's conspiring with the biggest terrorist force in the entire world isn't labeled as such, or even reported on
And as certain people who have been labeled conspiracy theorist have said.... here comes the war in Iran 1n 3, 2, 1
Originally Posted by sillyputty

Everything regarding US foreign policy always wants me to take a double look and analyze ALL angles...

with the evidence of black flag, and false flag, and covert operations that we do...on top of all the propaganda we get fed, its really important for us to not jump to conclusions over things like this... I really need to see what actually went down before I can start screaming sensationalized headlines.

For instance, did you all know the "night Osama died
" there was like 20+ other COVERT OPERATIONS going on that NIGHT? Or some crazy number? It was more than 10 if I remember. 
I suggest ya'll look in to Stuxnet and watch the TED talk on might blow your mind. 

But thanks OP...its just the skeptic in me.
That's what has me worried a little, You honestly shouldn't know that. The US is becoming a little too careless with its dirty, idk if its hubris or something else. 
Thus thread should just be called "America Making another bad plot against a poor Country that cant protect themselves" Smh America...
Originally Posted by rashi

Here we go. Accusing Iran of something they have no proof of...again.

How convenient is this? Eric Holder has just been subpoenad  for lying about Fast and Furious and poof all of a sudden Iran!

We are suppose to believe that the Mexican Cartel was helping Iran, but yet the U.S. government i.e. ATF, FBI, ect have been CAUGHT smuggling drugs and guns to the same group.
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