No thread regarding #Bringourgirlsback?

Over 230 girls kidnapped from their beds IN SCHOOL in the same town and sold into slavery all at once? And no one did anything to stop it or rescue them?

Where has anything like this happened anywhere in the past 50+ years?

Check out the methods used to obtain child soldiers throughout various countries and how these children are dragged from their homes and families and literally get drugged into becoming killing machines by the age of ten.

All of the Kids who are working the diamond industry in these places which is nothing but modern day slavery. I am under no circumstance saying that one group is more important than another but how is this getting such a huge reaction when the same methods have literally been going on for years.
Over 230 girls kidnapped from their beds IN SCHOOL in the same town and sold into slavery all at once? And no one did anything to stop it or rescue them?

Where has anything like this happened anywhere in the past 50+ years?
Check out the methods used to obtain child soldiers throughout various countries and how these children are dragged from their homes and families and literally get drugged into becoming killing machines by the age of ten.

All of the Kids who are working the diamond industry in these places which is nothing but modern day slavery. I am under no circumstance saying that one group is more important than another but how is this getting such a huge reaction when the same methods have literally been going on for years.
Right. And there's outrage over that... All of those things.

Boko Haram has been ******* up northern Nigeria since 2010 and no one made a peep.  It hasn't been a secret... but tell me you saw one mention of it on CNN until this past week and only because social media got a hold of it.

And even in those child soldier situations, there's never been a case in a country at peace where a terrorist or otherwise group stormed a school and kidnapped its entire female population and forced them into slavery. Never. And when have you heard of child soldiers being kidnapped 238 at a time from ONE residential compound? It's outrageous.

And Nigeria isn't a war torn country! It's "stable".  This is the equivalent of dudes raiding North Dakota then fleeing back to Canada.

Ignore that this is the 6th or 7th such attack in that region... It shouldn't be crazy that people are in an uproar. It should be crazy that it took them this long considering this isn't the first time this **** has happened, in that state, in Nigeria.
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Right. And there's outrage over that... All of those things.

Boko Haram has been ******* up northern Nigeria since 2010 and no one made a peep.  It hasn't been a secret... but tell me you saw one mention of it on CNN until this past week and only because social media got a hold of it.

And even in those child soldier situations, there's never been a case in a country at peace where a terrorist or otherwise group stormed a school and kidnapped its entire female population and forced them into slavery. Never. And when have you heard of child soldiers being kidnapped 238 at a time from ONE residential compound? It's outrageous.

And Nigeria isn't a war torn country! It's "stable".  This is the equivalent of dudes raiding North Dakota then fleeing back to Canada.

Ignore that this is the 6th or 7th such attack in that region... It shouldn't be crazy that people are in an uproar. It should be crazy that it took them this long considering this isn't the first time this **** has happened, in that state, in Nigeria.

I don't care if it happened at once, or if it happened over time nor do i care if the country is at war or at peace... there are innocent children losing their life and they have been for the past 10-20 years.

i don't see the U.S needing to get involved with this when they ignored the other issues. Especially when the U.S lends it's "help" it usually ends with them infiltrating said country and government and leaving a long lasting impression which usually ends worse than it began.
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**** like this makes u wanna throw up

But what can we do abt it other than spread awareness
i don't see the U.S needing to get involved with this when they ignored the other issues. Especially when the U.S lends it's "help" it usually ends with them infiltrating said country and government and leaving a long lasting impression which usually ends worse than it began.

And thats the only reason the US cares.. about to go in there and wreck havoc on the people and secure lands to take over the resources. That's it. China has been involved in Africa for a minute now and the US just wants a piece of the pie.
And thats the only reason the US cares.. about to go in there and wreck havoc on the people and secure lands to take over the resources. That's it. China has been involved in Africa for a minute now and the US just wants a piece of the pie.

Every time one of my family members is going back to Nigeria, I always ask them wt f is going on with this Boko Haram.. they need to devote every resource to stopping this madness.

The problem is, I suspect these dudes are lining some pockets of govt officials in exchange for protection :smh:
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Right. And there's outrage over that... All of those things.

Boko Haram has been ******* up northern Nigeria since 2010 and no one made a peep.  It hasn't been a secret... but tell me you saw one mention of it on CNN until this past week and only because social media got a hold of it.

And even in those child soldier situations, there's never been a case in a country at peace where a terrorist or otherwise group stormed a school and kidnapped its entire female population and forced them into slavery. Never. And when have you heard of child soldiers being kidnapped 238 at a time from ONE residential compound? It's outrageous.

And Nigeria isn't a war torn country! It's "stable".  This is the equivalent of dudes raiding North Dakota then fleeing back to Canada.

Ignore that this is the 6th or 7th such attack in that region... It shouldn't be crazy that people are in an uproar. It should be crazy that it took them this long considering this isn't the first time this **** has happened, in that state, in Nigeria.
I don't care if it happened at once, or if it happened over time nor do i care if the country is at war or at peace... there are innocent children losing their life and they have been for the past 10-20 years.

i don't see the U.S needing to get involved with this when they ignored the other issues. Especially when the U.S lends it's "help" it usually ends with them infiltrating said country and government and leaving a long lasting impression which usually ends worse than it began.

I don't understand what you're saying or what you're outraged by...

The US spoke out against those things you mentioned. It's why Invisible Children and Kony 2012 was such a huge social media movement.

The U.S. didn't go into those countries and do too much aside from help search for the terrorists/rebels.

And the U.S. didn't and isn't going to go into Nigeria and do much if anything.

I think you misunderstand what's happening. American women senators are calling for action and involvement.  They're not going to get any.

Politicians have asked for involvement in those other war torn African countries... The U.S. DID get involved and send troops in Somalia and Uganda and other countries.

It obviously didn't turn out like Iraq or Libya for a very simple reason... there isn't a dictator there who is strictly anti-American.

I guess I'm confused what your claiming is different about this than what has been said and done about Uganda or anywhere else in Africa except that in THIS situation we have social media so things should become public knowledge but it's been largely ignored despite the fact that the things Boko Haram have been doing have been unique in their audacity.

As an aside, dog, Al Qaeda groups have come out and condemned Boko Haram for doing too much and not even fighting a holy war, but a money driven one... This isn't the typical fare.
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I also think you guys got it twisted about the U.S. "going in for resources"

Nigeria is the 6th largest oil producing country in the world. Less than 1% of Nigeria's population controls literally all of its wealth and they're happily working with and selling to Western countries. All of that oil is in the South of the country.

It's why when Igbos tried to secede there was a civil war and attempted genocide and the Hausas lost their minds. Because the oil rich Southern lands are largely populated by Christians/Igbos.

Where all of this **** is happening is in Northern Nigeria where the population is majority Muslim and there are no resources.  There's nothing to gain in the region for other countries to "take over land and exert influence."

It's also why the Nigerian government has been ignoring the things that are happening.  There's no real money at risk.  The people being hurt and displaced are all poor farmers and non Muslims, specifically non Hausa Muslims.

Boko Haram dresses this up as a Holy War but all it is is a bunch of broke northerners trying to destabilize the region and scare the **** out of igbos, yorubas, and others so they run away and leave the land and jobs for them.

All this conspiracy "Europe and America want the resources!" **** is nonsense.

They aleady have the resources. They have nothing to gain by getting involved.
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I just don't know how forces are going to get to Boko Haram. They know the jungle so well and will see forces coming from a mile away due to how impenetrable the thicket is. Situation is so sad.

I was reading that a few of the girls have already died due to snake bites. They are moving them from base to base at nighttime.

*Nako - was BH behind the Westgate Mall massacre?
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Every time one of my family members is going back to Nigeria, I always ask them wt f is going on with this Boko Haram.. they need to devote every resource to stopping this madness.

The problem is, I suspect these dudes are lining some pockets of govt officials in exchange for protection
you got it backwards. it's the government officials and people up there lining their pockets in exchange for mayhem.
I just don't know how forces are going to get to Boko Haram. They know the jungle so well and will see forces coming from a mile away due to how impenetrable the thicket is. Situation is so sad.

I was reading that a few of the girls have already died due to snake bites. They are moving them from base to base at nighttime.

*Nako - was BH behind the Westgate Mall massacre?
Naw that was in Kenya. Boko Haram is relatively small and exclusively in northern Nigeria.

In reality a military action and REAL investigation would quash all of this. The reason they're so active and bold is because they're being ignored.

If they hit a really valuable target it'd be over for them.

And yes I meant to use "really vaulable." In the eyes of a corrupt government 200 poor northern girls arent that valuable. this is an annoyance and an eye sore to them that it's international news, but until it was, it wasn't exactly a priority.
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Naw that was in Kenya. Boko Haram is relatively small and exclusively in northern Nigeria.

In reality a military action and REAL investigation would quash all of this. The reason they're so active and bold is because they're being ignored.

If they hit a really valuable target it'd be over for them.

And yes I meant to use "really vaulable." In the eyes of a corrupt government 200 poor northern girls arent that valuable. this is an annoyance and an eye sore to them that it's international news, but until it was, it wasn't exactly a priority.
Nail right on the head, the ineptitude of African governments amaze me smh
There's actually two threads about thos. I answered in one a week or two ago I don't know what happened.

NAKO your definitely right about this being an eyesore etc in their eyes. I'm still here for a while longer and it was surprising to see the apathetic nature of things surrounding the girls until it became an international story.

The kidnapping happened same day as the bombing in Abuja which was making much bigger waves at the time.

It's been interesting watching how other countries react to BH etc, outside of other terrorist groups condemning them it would seem as though the entire #BBOG campaign is a win for them because this is the most media coverage they've ever gotten. Thus definitely gives them the exposure they have been looking for.

Someone mentioned that BH is pr o baby lining the pockets of corrupt politicians for freedom etc. Trust me when I say the theory is actually the other way around and many suspect that corrupt politicians are actually paying BH etc.
ive been reading/hearing/watching this story bit by bit since it happened, disgusting.

but question to those who know better than me:

I have some activist/organizer friends who say that the US should NOT get involved. one of em posted this link

where they say eventual US military involvement would destabilize and give more control in the area to Western nations (like was said here)

but at the same time, anything that can be done to rescue the girls and destroy BH should be done, right? to me it's a total catch-22 on what the US can/should do. ideally Nigeria and allied nations should take the lead and the international community would support, but you guys are saying that theyre completely inept at best and in league with BH at worst. not sure how this can be handled to create the best possible outcome :\

also, all the people/celebrities with the hashtags and the signs remind me of the whole kony2012 thing, and how ridiculous it got when people started posting carl weathers' picture as Kony :smh: i mean i dig awareness but eh...
Disgusting situation. As an African and a Muslim I can only shake my head at the absurd acts and logic Boko Haram use in the name of Islam. These dudes are delusional and need to be eliminated from society.

At the risk of sounding like a negative Nancy, I'm pretty sure the reason this isn't breaking news cycles is because nobody really cares. They didn't care about the poor village girls before they were kidnapped, and they don't care after they have been kidnapped. That whole Kony campaign desensitized a lot of us to stuff like this. These celebrities posting the #bringourgirlsback are corny as hell.
[h1]Nigeria’s Army Holding Up Hunt for Taken Girls[/h1]
There is a view among diplomats here and with their governments at home that the military is so poorly trained and armed, and so riddled with corruption, that not only is it incapable of finding the girls, it is also losing the broader fight against Boko Haram. The group has effective control of much of the northeast of the country, as troops withdraw from vulnerable targets to avoid a fight and stay out of the group’s way, even as the militants slaughter civilians.

Boko Haram’s fighters have continued to strike with impunity this week, killing dozens of people in three villages in its regional stronghold, but also hitting far outside its base in the central region. Car bombs have killed well over 100, according to local press reports.
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The US doesn't care about these girls. It's a cover up to move into Africa and turn it into the new Middle East, aka drugs/resources farm for the Western bankers. Nothing more.
The US doesn't care about these girls. It's a cover up to move into Africa and turn it into the new Middle East, aka drugs/resources farm for the Western bankers. Nothing more.
huh? maybe read through the thread and the post above you.
So many tinfoil crazies out there that for some strange reason feel they're tied to the pulse of the world with more knowledge than the rest of us.
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