Nobody was checking for BATTLESHIP?

as a future naval officer i want to see it but I'm not paying $10 a pop to check it out. I'll wait til it hits the dollar theaters
Originally Posted by 6dollaBURGER

Originally Posted by jbpkickz

was rihanna at least good? srs

Nobody beats Rihanna on screen.
i see what you did there broski
It was worth the $5 matinee I paid.

So funny lines that weren't supposed to be funny.

They made Rihanna's role laughable.
Originally Posted by eiddyfouw

Originally Posted by pr0phecy718

Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

�Looks awful, too. Making a movie based off of a boardgame

Hollywood reaching for ideas.
lol yup thats how i feel.�
what's next? a movie on crossfire?�
"The ball kept getting faster and faster, and I said 'Hey, if we gonna play this game, we need some rules.'"- Marc Griffin #SWAG
Rihanna's film debut is a memorable one. The Barbadian singer is wet for much of Battleship, her Navy uniform is uncommonly flattering, and the majority of her dialogue is composed of exclamations. It's a veritable master class in one-line utterances. Most of her lines fall into one of several categories: sassy ("Get up, princess!"), confused ("What the hell is that?") or surprisingly competent ("Contact two miles out.") But enough of this. Let Rihanna speak for herself."
What's wrong with you drama queen?"

Get up princess! Come on!"


"Shut up. Shut up."

"Oh, this gon' be sweet. He hates the man."

"You go mess with him and see what happens!"

"Chicken!""Kentucky Fried Chicken!"

"You look like Colonel Sanders, actually."

"Yo Saunders, ever been in a department run by some kind of Donald Trump/Mike Tyson mutant combo?"

"Nothing, sir."

"If you did, it was only in reference to the fact the you both project great physical intensity, sir."

"I got something sir, on my camera."

"I don’t know."

"Is this some kind of exercise?"

"You ever seen anything like this?"

"Weird, man."

"Real bad idea, Lieutenant."

"Lieutenant, get up."


"Come on, you with me?"

"Come on, squared away?

""What the hell is that?



"What happened?"


"Who’s in charge?"

"Fire control’s offline. I need three minutes."

"(Heavy sigh)"

"My dad said they’d come. Said it my whole life. He said one day we’d find them, or they’d find us. Know what else he said? He said, I hope I aint around when that day comes."

"No sir!"

"Nothing sir, nothing."

"Yo, hey!"

"Come on, come on, come on."

"Mahalo, motherfu—""What the hell is that?"


"Roger, Echo 1-1."

"Box 24. Ready to fire."

"India 3-7, locked."

"Sir, we’re hot over here. We’re good to go, let’s light ‘em up."

"Tango 1-9, loaded."

"Whiskey 2-5."

"Negative, sir, it’s moving all over the place. I can’t get a line on it."

"Sucker’s really jumping around."

"40 minutes sir."

"Contact is seven minutes out and closing fast."

"Contact two miles out."

"Contact ETA 21 seconds."



"Get up!"

"Let’s go!"

"Go, go, go!"

"Yes, sir."

"Oh yes sir."


"Sir, we’ll be in weapons range in 5 minutes."

"Aimed at target."

"Sir, that’s the wrong direction!"




"Come on, take the picture, Beast."


"Come on, Hopper!"

"Look dapper!"

I came into this thread thinking of the board game.

I didn't even know there was a movie.
Taylor Kitsch is going to get blacklisted.
First John Carter then Battleship.
Both had a budget of at least $200+ million to produce.
My man extracted all of Rihana's lines
Spoiler [+]
Dude at my job was talking about this for the past 2 months. I was glad it came out so he would shut up.
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