Non trollins serious thread: How is the US for international jobseekers

Jan 20, 2014
Im planning on moving to the US after i finish my engineering/business degree in melbourne, Australia. Im going to Melbourne university, ranked 30 in the worlds best university so its aright. Which city is the best  in terms of graduate positions/party life/ culture. Im getting tired of Australia, it feels like im the only black guy for miles. i kno ive been trollin a lil, but this is my last thread. I originally signed up to thismessage board for this sole purpose. Does anyone have any videos i could watch, what cities/ state do you suggest i go to. I want none of that Detroit bulchit tho. 
doesnt being the only black dude work in your favor when it comes to yambs?
it does, but it gets to the point where iot seems like girls are only attracted to you for that novelty feel. Australia isnt the most exciting country, actually its rated as one of the most boring countries besides northern europe and new zealand. Its the l;ow popualtion density that has really affected the local culture. There aint much diversity excpet in the poorer area. Generally its too british for me. Not to mention political correction and the nanny state has gone too far. The thing is theres little diversity in a city of 1 million, mainly full of anglo saxons. 
My mate, move to NEW YORK CITY, b.

New York City is the culture Capital of the world. As far as cultures go, NYC is a melting pot.

We have the best food, the best parties, the best females, and the best scenery, the best sports and the best music. NYC will show you mad love. And the fact that you from Australia, with the wild accent, the ******* will be hugging on to your pipe like Donnie Thornberry hugging onto a tree nahmean? :pimp:

As far as jobs go. There's a lot of that in NYC, especially with an engineering degree. You'll be making wild loot. Living might be hard cus rent prices is on some next **** over here, but if you seeing enough cash, you'll be living straight.

Trust me when I say this my guy, NY is the way to go. I wouldn't steer you wrong, god.
I would say NYC. Has a big city vibe and you can experience the four seasons. I'm sure you're sick of the sun so Cali and Florida might not be what you want.
I would say NYC. Has a big city vibe and you can experience the four seasons. I'm sure you're sick of the sun so Cali and Florida might not be what you want.

Listen to this man
NYC is the greatest city ever

Don't move to Cali, Cali fell off when Game left G-Unit

Florida was never and will never be live unless we talking about Miami.

Dont move to ATL either
Imma suggest Kc. Big city benefits, small city feel. People are nice, towns cheap, major sports teams..I like it.

It is a small market though, so not much room for career expansion, there's kind of a salary ceiling; but I as an engineer there are jobs.

I can guarantee you'll have some fun.
Move to Boston if you actually wanna find a job.

Beat hospitals
Best schools
Best sport teams
Best white bishes
Wack club scene though.
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