NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! Jay Cutler injured...

Good news for the Raiders

Who is their backup?

This legit pissed me off. I have no faith in Hanie. Guess it's time to focus on the Blackhawks...
Originally Posted by Bean Pie Slanga

Poor guy. It was looking like his year for redemption.

That said, I hope the Bears lose out. I don't wanna see no Hanie led Bears team as a doormat in the postseason. Gimme Lions/Falcons/Boys.
2 things to get straight... Bears wont lose out, and Bears wont be a doormat even with Hanie at QB.
%@@%!$! johnny knox basically breaking cutler's hand by slipping on that route causing that pick.

Cutler played one hell of a game today. Its really a shame, hopefully he can play in the playoffs if hanie can lead us there, we have an easy enough upcoming schedule to make that a possinility imo
I was thinking he could play through it but probably not...he broke the thumb on his throwing hand.
Bears defense is good enough to win some games. I hate to see how many people are going to be in the box next week
Originally Posted by Th3RealF0lkBlu3s

One less thing to worry about next week.

Hope he makes a speedy recovery.
Don't wish any injury on anybody, but THIS. Good for us.

Unbelievably frustrating. Offense was just rounding into form too. In the last week, Bears have now lost 2 starting o-lineman (already a weakness) and now Cutler for the season.

They can still make the playoffs with Hanie, but it will be a quick playoff exit. Even if Cutler heals in six weeks, his first game back would be the playoff game...not good.

And yeah, Forte is going to face eight in the box every play the rest of the season...
Smh..I'm @*#%+!% SICK right now...

As good as we have been playing.....

As good as Jay Cutty's been playing.....

@*#%+!% sickening as a Bears fan..........
Now i see why Cutler was so furious with Knox. Dude straight went ham on him on the sideline. Sucks for Cutler, maybe next year
Originally Posted by SoHi 23

He'll be back by the playoffs right?

So far all that's being reported is that he will miss the last 6 Games, and that the Bears have no plans on putting him on the IR so I guess that's a telling sign that he can come back for the playoffs..
Right now we have







I can see us winning 4 out of the 6 realistically. But when you throw a backup QB out into the fire in the thick of the playoff hunt all bets are off....

@%@!%!% sucks considering the timing of this injury....5 straight wins, Offense was finally clicking, Earl and Jay were getting that chemistry back, Forte doing what he does, and $*!* even Roy had a nice game today....

Knox comes into my job all the time, I should punch his #*% for slipping and causing all this 
 jk, on the real *!#% is just a freak event..Cutlers a tough mofo regardless of what people may think, he takes alot of hits, even took a knee in the back of the dome today and still gets up and plays hard I can only applaud the man for chasing down Cason and not allowing him to score a TD on that pick....Some QB's might of half assed it.  *!#% happens....but man, you never want to see this happen.

After the game I was confident we would win a close battle vs the Raiders next week, with Cutler out I can't see it...He was the X factor....

Originally Posted by SneakerPro

Good that's what Bear fans get for acting like they clenched a playoff spot last week.

I dont know any Bears fans that thought we "clenched" a playoff spot already. You sir......cant even say what i want.
Originally Posted by CasperJr

Originally Posted by MrONegative

it's bad that cutler throwing a touchdown and cutler realizing his finger broke, are the same face.

seriously the %!@% did I lose all 3 of my QBs in fantasy in 8 days.

man +**% you and yo fantasy team. I hope we lose you .........for life.
Thanks for the first smile since the news of the injury!

We just went from a team with a pretty legit shot to beat GB in the NFC and a playoff run, to a team that will rely on our defense and backup QB to lead us to the playoffs.
Definitely feel sorry for this kid, he was just starting to play good and now this.
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