Norcal Summit @ Delores Park @ 10am *Vote either July 6th or July 19th - RSVP now!*

Yeah I can update it now @memphisboi55 you're in Fairfield? I live here PM me and we can link up.
how you having a bay area summit not in SF? delores or bust.

I was the one who brought up Delores and I asked for people to vote... I'd be driving either way so its not a big deal for me I'm use to driving around looking 20 mins looking for a spot but not everyone is. For those that may find SF out of the way can't or prefer not to take Bart I'm sure we could work out carpool or something.

Can some one confirm if its 2 or 4 hour parking around Delores Park?
Do they have a policy on music? If not anyone have access to equiptment that could set up?

For all those that are serious and would like to attend post your email address. What you might/ could bring (if anything) and how many people are coming with you so we know what we need.

Date- I was thinking July 6th or the 19th
My email address [email protected]
july 19th is better
people may have family stuff or vacation stuff since thats 4th of july weekend the 19th is better cause its farther out. most people may not be able to make the 6th cause of prior engagments. i can bring hotdogs and a few thighs and drumsticks
so, what date is this going on? I need to know so I can get the day off work
Dolores park is cool but can't really BBQ without being asked to turn it off most of the time. They usually are cool with it sometimes go overboard. I can't do either date though
Has this happened already? North bay area and would love to jump in... Bring some bud along the alcohol :pimp:
Has this happened already? North bay area and would love to jump in... Bring some bud along the alcohol :pimp:

No july 19th.

What do you guys what to do as far as food is concerned? If everyone whos going chips in we can get a nice setup.
Dolores park is full of hipsters nowadays. Crazy how it changed.

I'm always down to connect. leave me a PM if y'all got it together.
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