Norouz Mobarak!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!- HAPPY PERSIAN NEW YEARS!!(PICS)!!!COME ON IN AND POST! !!!!!

well happy happy persian yearI'm the King so I have all respect to all religion.

Originally Posted by dn590

who cares

haha...i was about to start a thread!! happy new years, us persian sneakerheads got to stick together!!

special thanks to kash55 for explaining everything and putting ur time into the of luck to all of you
I am from a Christian and Western European background and I have a lot of respect for Persian civilization. It is amazing that Norouz is rougly fourmellenia old, that's about two thousand years before Ceaser and Augutus. Norouz is a holiday that has been continually celebrated for about as long as thePyramids of Gaza have been standing. That is outstanding to see a tradition maintained for so long.

Oh yeah, I and much of the rest of the world needs to thank Persians for inventing wine. Making grapes into a heavenly drink was one of the best calls inhistory.

BTW, kash, what will be the exact number of this new year in the Persian Calendar?
Is it just a shiiat thing
Or huh...i dont get it...dont other places like pakistan for example use the same calander as you... wouldnt it be a new years for us too.
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