North Korea sentences U.S. Journalists to 12 years in jail.

Oct 27, 2005


updated 7 minutes ago

SEOUL, South Korea - North Korea's top court has convicted two U.S. journalists, and sentenced them to 12 years in labor prison, the country's state news agency reported Monday.

The Central Court tried American TV reporters Laura Ling and Euna Lee and confirmed their unspecified "grave crime" against the nation, and of illegally crossing into North Korea, the Korean Central News Agency said.

It said the court - which tried the women from June 4 to 8 - "sentenced each of them to 12 years of reform through labor." The report gave no other details.

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The U.S. Embassy in Seoul said it had no immediate comment.

The circumstances surrounding the trial of the two journalists and their arrest three months ago on the China-North Korean border have been shrouded in secrecy, as is typical of the reclusive nation.

There were fears that the two women would be used by Pyongyang as bargaining chips in its standoff with South Korea and the United States, which are pushing for U.N. sanctions to punish the nation for its latest nuclear blast and barrage of missile tests.

The journalists - working for former Vice President Al Gore's California-based Current TV - were arrested March 17 as they were reporting about the trafficking of women. It's unclear if they strayed into the North or were grabbed by aggressive border guards who crossed into China.

Gore spokeswoman Kalee Kreider did not have an immediate response to the sentencing.

The women cannot appeal as they were tried in North Korea's highest court where decisions are final.

The sentences are much harsher than what many observers had hoped for. The trial was not open to the public or to foreign observers.

Copyright 2009 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

I've been following this case since it started back in March and it's so frustrating to hear this news. North Koreareally seems to want to push the buttons of the free world and see what they can get away with. There really can be no negotiating with a nation like this. Ifeel especially horrible for the women, who I am almost certain did nothing wrong that warranted 12 YEARS of hard labor. One of them has a 4-year-old daughtertoo. I can't imagine what the families are feeling right now.

Hopefully there's a way they can be released, but I'm skeptical.

What's especially frustrating is the perceived lack of response the President and Secretary of State seem to be giving this matter. Hopefully Obama andClinton realizes what a very real problem North Korea is after this news comes out from both a humanitarian and a political perspective and try the damnhardest to get these women out.
"sentenced each of them to 12 years of reform through labor."
Oh ****. NK citizens die in those camps, I hope the U.S. can negotiate something. Damn.

Laura Ling does good work, too, seen her a bunch a times on CurrentTV and her sister everywhere.
If that was my fam I'd go in there Rambo style and kufi smack some NKoreans. BTW can't we send in some special forces (Snake?) to save them?
I remember when Lisa Ling did a documentary on North Korea, kinda pretending to give eye surgery, but was really there to document the movement there.

It was on Nat Geo so crazy.
Originally Posted by sauuceking

If that was my fam I'd go in there Rambo style and kufi smack some NKoreans. BTW can't we send in some special forces (Snake?) to save them?

You would be dead in a second. But I feel you.

This is sad. But these journalist are going to learn from this. Breaking News Top Story Front Page FTL
Originally Posted by sauuceking

can't we send in some special forces (Snake?) to save them?
tensions would rise...i thought about the movie Spy Game when i first read this though
I am not sure that there is any negotiation that can be done in this realm.. This is what separates Iran and North Korea by miles. We can actually negotiatewith Ahmadinejad and convinced him to give the reporter a trial and she was set free.

To be a gloomer

Spoiler [+]
To be honest we will lose a war with North Korea if everyone including China are not on the same page as us. Would play out as the same situation as Vietnam
What laws did they break?

I'm not from America so I don't know the back story.
Originally Posted by AirCommanderMarsFiend

It's really not fair.

Something has to be done about Kim jong-il and his sons...

like the life being snatched from each of them.
I agree but HOW? There is nothing that can be done but wage war and N. Korea holds all the chips and we will lose.
Originally Posted by Essential1

Originally Posted by AirCommanderMarsFiend

It's really not fair.

Something has to be done about Kim jong-il and his sons...

like the life being snatched from each of them.
I agree but HOW? There is nothing that can be done but wage war and N. Korea holds all the chips and we will lose.

I think the US needs to train some kinda super soldier like a Sci-Fi movie to assassinate this cat.
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