NOT BEEING IN JAIL FTW VOL. Man.... crazy night...

Mar 13, 2008
  • Me and my dude take a rather spontaneous 4 hour road trip in order to take my ex-girl (his cousin) back to college
  • Feeling adventurous, we hit up this bar right...
  • Jagerbombs ensue..
  • +free shot on the house
  • + pint of beer
  • We leave kinda chopped and stop at a gas station for cigarillos and *#%$. There's an idle cop present..
  • We're "mysteriously" pulled over 45 secs later by a cop traveling towards us, as if he was radioed
  • Breathalizer for me (my first time ever having to use one = me being SHOOK). Blew a .02 by the GRACE OF GOD! I have no clue how that happened..
    .... mind you, my dude got weed on was a wrap
  • Pat down
    ...found the weed.... no cuffs tho
  • Got off "easy" with a speeding ticket and my dude caught a possession case...
  • (bonus) Got into a *#%$ load of beef afterward with the ole lady
    .... whatever...
I coulda woke up in jail, 200 miles from home this morning. Instead, I'm at home on NT. Win?
Originally Posted by blazinRook

ehhhh...not a win, more like a draw
nah thats a W all day.... he coulda got speeding, posession and DUI... DUI = tons of $$$ and suspended license which is a pain in the #%$
after u blew a .02, did you do this?


cus otherwise its not that big of a win...
pshh I wouldn't have even stopped at the gas station with an idle fed watchin... especially not for no rollies!
# We're "mysteriously" pulled over 45 secs later by a cop traveling towards us, as if he was radioed

Feel you!
They pulled that mess on me before
never had a canine unit on me tho I'd be shook.
you won fam.

but how yo boi doin tho?

!%!*, he here with me right now reading this thread. He's kinda pissed obviously, but we're HOME! Ya dig?! And the way I KNOW it was a set wegot yanked by a cop heading towards us that said he clocked me at 15 over. Is that even possible? Can you even clock while moving perpendicular to the vehicle in question
? First off, I was NOT speeding. I was driving my dude's whip and that mugain't got no damn get up at ALL. It' so sluggish... Second, I never speed around that city.Mother %$+*@* I'm me
. I know damn well I look like a ticket waiting to happen by just being there. 3rd, back up + the canine unit (3 carstotal) were there within 2 mins of pulling me over which = radioed in by the cop at the gas station IMO. But it's cool I guess...
Thanks Dre... and nah, no victory dance with the helicopter hat. I was too busy smiling and acting like I was happy to be driving off with 'just"a ticket. I ain't never did that much ****in in my life.
... "Hey, officer! How's it going buddy? Speeding?? Naaah, couldn't be. Why sureI'll step out of the car and lock my fingers around my head, I'd love to! How's the wife and kids
Originally Posted by DearWinter219

you won fam.

but how yo boi doin tho?

!%!*, he here with me right now reading this thread. He's kinda pissed obviously, but we're HOME! Ya dig?! And the way I KNOW it was a set we got yanked by a cop heading towards us that said he clocked me at 15 over. Is that even possible? Can you even clock while moving perpendicular to the vehicle in question
? First off, I was NOT speeding. I was driving my dude's whip and that mug ain't got no damn get up at ALL. It' so sluggish... Second, I never speed around that city. Mother %$+*@* I'm me
. I know damn well I look like a ticket waiting to happen by just being there. 3rd, back up + the canine unit (3 cars total) were there within 2 mins of pulling me over which = radioed in by the cop at the gas station IMO. But it's cool I guess...

classic 'driving while black' situation. i sincerely doubt the swagger and stench of drinking in a bar all night and picking up cigarillo's latenight had anything to do with any of it. call jesse immediately.
Originally Posted by Shooter116

pshh I wouldn't have even stopped at the gas station with an idle fed watchin... especially not for no rollies!
Man, I'm spoiled. Real @#@%. I'm so used to being in Gary that I don't even be remembering weed is illegal. He prolly seen my dudekinda spacey and once we bought that dutch he was ON it, bet that
your friend lost. He still caught a case.
. We both took a FEW Ls last night.... you really have no idea the scope of the Ls we both ended up grabbing...BUT... like I said, I'm in myliving room finna roll up one instead of in a cell and @#@%.
Originally Posted by JJ1223

Originally Posted by blazinRook

ehhhh...not a win, more like a draw
nah thats a W all day.... he coulda got speeding, posession and DUI... DUI = tons of $$$ and suspended license which is a pain in the #%$
truth, you got off really easy dude
OP you be runnin into the cops a lot dont chya ??
... It was about tobe a real hot ending to ya summer ..

Anytime a minority stays out of jail its a WIN .. but try not to place yourself in those situations anymore.
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