NOT BEEING IN JAIL FTW VOL. Man.... crazy night...

Originally Posted by DearWinter219

Originally Posted by Shooter116

pshh I wouldn't have even stopped at the gas station with an idle fed watchin... especially not for no rollies!
Man, I'm spoiled. Real @#@%. I'm so used to being in Gary that I don't even be remembering weed is illegal. He prolly seen my dude kinda spacey and once we bought that dutch he was ON it, bet that
your friend lost. He still caught a case.
. We both took a FEW Ls last night.... you really have no idea the scope of the Ls we both ended up grabbing...BUT... like I said, I'm in my living room finna roll up one instead of in a cell and @#@%.

U from G.I. fam? dude got caught up like that once..let's just say he can't leave the state of Virginia until 2010...
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