Not listing all previous schools attended on school application...

Jan 9, 2009
I have an Associates degree in Biology (gpa 3.75)and a BS in chemistry(gpa 3.2). I plan on applying to another school to get a Bahelors in another concentration and I don't want to list my last school because of a few Cs and B- and the possibility of not being accepted due to how competitive the program is. Can the school find out that I left out that information?

if they really wanted to dig and thought you were lying then yes they could easily find out.

It's really not about whether or not they find out but as an individual with higher education you should know that the honor system should be applied.
They would find out because they would see allthose transferred credits from the previous school and you would get caught. If I'm reading it correctly, you have a higher gpa at your associate degree spot. Keep it.
I can promise you this: Dishonesty and shadiness will look FAR worse to an admissions counselor than a bad GPA. And they will ask about the grades from other schools anyway.
Your much better off being honest in a personal statement about why the grades are low, and how you have improved/matured since then. Turn this negative into a positive about your personal growth. Schools accept people with flaws in their record all the time, but they want to see that you are honest and mature
That's the thing, though. How will they ask about other schools if I don't even mention me ever going to the school where I got my Bachelors? On the application I just plan to that I attended the school I got my Associates degree. I don't plan on mentioning that I have a BS in Chemistry.
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