Notes Of A First-Timer: Nike's World Basketball Festival Media Event

Mar 20, 2001
First off, I'm regular as hell. Got a job, a family, etc. I've been in and around sneakers forever. So when out of the blue Nike asked me "would you be interested in attending our World Basketball Festival media event?", I was floored. For two days, easy. Attend an event hosted by my favorite brand? "Do you have the right person?"

When they asked, the first thing I wanted to do was mention it to NT...but I didn't want them to catch wind and say "you know what, stay home buddy." So I waited. 

What I've tried to do here is compile parts of my trip. I posted a brief preview when I got back on Friday and finally finished an update with my take on the basketball kicks I saw. I've got a least one more entry I want to do, discussing the whole World Basketball Event, sponsored by Nike and USA Basketball, but I'll get to that later (subscribe for future updates by using this link -- http://smokingsection.upr...ld-basketball-festival).

Part One --

Part Two --

Part Two is more detailed and includes a handful of pics (I've got a whole slew still to sift through) including shots of the Hyperfuse and Hyperdunk 2010.



And yes, they gave us free hoop in...but I ended up scuffing mine

since we know you played in the hyperdunk 2010...can we get a review...and also what exactly is the cushioning setup?.....thx
I'll have to check my notes on the technical aspects. I don't want to be misquoted. I do know that they feature Zoom Air.

But, I can say that it gave more than adequate support. Good traction. Lightweight. Lacing system was solid (they never came unlaced and I didn't have to re-tie them at all). They were tight at first but broke in way way quicker than expected. I'm not a hooper though and haven't played in years
so you have to take that for what it's worth. Last shoe I hooped in just so happened to be the orig. Hyperdunks, so that's why I was drawn to them.

Sidebar -- Favorite shoe I saw?


^ Those were bad. I wish they had slipped a pair of those in my bag.

Ask away and I'll do my best to answer.
looks like you had a good time, thanks for posting.

Hyperfuse and HD 2010 both look good to me...
Going to events like that as a member of the media is something I'm greatly interested in; I'm glad you enjoyed yourself.

I have a question: of all the shoes displayed there, which ones did it seem like Nike was pushing the hardest?

*edit* I just read your summary of the event, so disregard that question. I really enjoyed reading the summary, and the pictures are great! This World Basketball Festival should be entertaining for both basketball and style, so I'm looking forward to it.
Originally Posted by dbff

Going to events like that as a member of the media is something I'm greatly interested in; I'm glad you enjoyed yourself.

I have a question: of all the shoes displayed there, which ones did it seem like Nike was pushing the hardest?

*edit* I just read your summary of the event, so disregard that question. I really enjoyed reading the summary, and the pictures are great! This World Basketball Festival should be entertaining for both basketball and style, so I'm looking forward to it.
^ definitely the Hyperfuses but really the Hyperfuse technology as a whole.

Honestly, I don't know how they found me or why they asked me to come but I'm grateful. I'm 30+ now and just like 98% of everybody on here, I've been into sneakers since I was a wee kid. Seeing the various displays and presentations, I have to say Nike is on top of their game as it relates to marketing and media.

A big part of it all for me was meeting people from other media outlets. I get down w/music, so seeing Artist A or Group B...I'm used to that. But putting faces with names from the various media outlets was very cool.

Definitely looking @ making the return trip in August.
Originally Posted by JordanHead2

You said you got a pair of Hyper Elite shorts... How do they fit?
They're very long, prolly an inch or two below the knee. Very very lightweight and thin. One of the weirder aspects of them is a series of perforations on the mid-thigh area. I had on white boxer briefs and you could clearly see them
so, I had to throw on the compression shorts they gave us to wear underneath. That was a wee bit awkward or at least an adjustment @ first. I plan to wear them today/tomorrow so I'll try to give a better update on the shorts.
Originally Posted by johngotty

Originally Posted by JordanHead2

You said you got a pair of Hyper Elite shorts... How do they fit?
They're very long, prolly an inch or two below the knee. Very very lightweight and thin. One of the weirder aspects of them is a series of perforations on the mid-thigh area. I had on white boxer briefs and you could clearly see them
so, I had to throw on the compression shorts they gave us to wear underneath. That was a wee bit awkward or at least an adjustment @ first. I plan to wear them today/tomorrow so I'll try to give a better update on the shorts.

that's good to know, i plan on getting a pair if they get released.  great pics, and nice over view of everything
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