Originally Posted by Black Star

Originally Posted by az005us

BlackStar... your picture just melted my computer screen. I smell radiation.
lol.Does dat mean I gotz heatz?jk

well nice 7s, but i meant whatever camera you are usuing should be aquired by the government for radioactive activity. I kid you not, my eyes hurt looking atthat picture. i swear. there is physical pain.
Originally Posted by Black Star

lol.Does dat mean I gotz heatz?jk
Finally decided to stop putting off new white and black af1's. picked up a pair of dunks too.

The aqua JB jacket was $6.00 at TJ Maxx and the rest are avirex tees for $4.97 each at JC Penneys
.... yeah i'm a bargain shopper
Originally Posted by Fat Boy 915

Originally Posted by ballersdream08

those are the unlucky dunks that came out in 2005...price for them now should be around the 200s...

I know those are the unlucky dunks.

I'm talking about the dunks posted at the top with the Pippens. I know they are QS, but what is retail?

EDIT: Just googled it and found out they are theVandal Dunks. They got them on ebay for $99 BIN, but what is the retail?
There 110 looks like u got 10 bucks off.
Originally Posted by SelectaClutchStar

n1ke drawer: damn, that much for a DS pair?? It was more than a war for that price.
lol yea I know....tell me about it....one of my worst heartbreaking ebay stories....and it wasn't even for me

anyways, part 2 of my pickups (last one for november)....my favorite cereal overseas

and a new phone....
nike drawer: nice bold. if you figure out how to connect to msn messenger without the use of a data package plan, please do let me know. i don't suscribeand do not see the need to suscribe when almost the whole of the city i am in is in a wireless environment. my customer support is telling me to suscribe totheir data package "just so" it can eliminate all problems. i think this is ridiculous!

meh. either way, nice pickups!

edit: mmn! 7D mangoes!
Originally Posted by SinnerP

n1ke drawer - Dried mangos... mmm... generally speaking mangos from the Phillipines are the best, IMO...
ive had those exact ones and i must say they are slammin!

on another note...those bred 1s are fantastic on the last page! anyone got an '01 retro 9-10.5? holla at me
Demonbasketball04 nice jerseys, did you order those yourself? If you did can i ask where because me and my coach are looking for some uniforms for our boys andthose are pretty nice ones.
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