NT a Subculture?

Nov 23, 2004
So I'm sittin here tryin to do a reaction paper for my psych class, but I can't seem to get words on the page so I'm on NT instead. Then I'mlookin thru the Jordan Brand section and see a thread about gentry's plans for 08 by some member with 14 posts. Why does somebody purposely get a sn toplant some seed info on nt to start a stir amongst the consumer group they're trying to reach, the individual NT'er or the entire sneakerheadcommunity. Then I'm thinkin, has NT really grown into an online subculture? I honestly believe it has. I even had to check the definition of subculture onemore time to make sure, but it definitely is so. what are you guys thoughts. am i just lunchin cuz i'm smizz or do you agree? This, of course, would leadon to more ideas regarding other things. or maybe I'm just smizz.
I think NT is definitely a very small subculture. Actually I'm sure their are subcultures smaller than NT.
Originally Posted by buggz05

I think NT is definitely a very small subculture. Actually I'm sure their are subcultures smaller than NT.

Of course. There's a subculture for every obsession, vice or thing that brings pleasure. You're not the only one who enjoys certain things, so youand the many others comprise the subculture.
Originally Posted by Ras Clot 89

wha de ras is "smizz"?
I wrote a 7 page paper on the "sneakerhead" culture for my sociology class. Got an A-. Fuegooo

Just write how niketalk is a vessel of information.
NT is the ultimate online community.
NT breeches past the online community to affect its member's live outside of NT.
NT is the new black.
NT determines your self worth.

sike on that last one, or is it?
at smizz

i swear the slang these days is getting ridiculous

anyway i just saw the vids on youtube from the post you're talking about and i doubt this kid puposely got an sn just to drop knowledge about the future ofthe brand. i think he just found some good info.
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