NT Are You Happy or Envious when people around you get successful?

Mar 11, 2008
ill answer first by saying if anyone around me gets successful in life in any way im always happy for them, but there are sometimes i wonder when will be my turn but i just remember to be patient, what about yall are you happy for the next person or your envious of their success, be completely honest and state why.
I'm abit envious but I'm always happy for them. The only time its a TRUE issue is when their a *** about it.
If you are not around successful people be it doing things for humanity to your mailman, success is defined by what you accomplished in making our world and communities better and if u hanging around people that ain't doin **** then you hurting yourself, successful people push me to get out and get it and follow my heart
You are a product of your environment, I love when my people come up and vice versa.
Happy for them. I also use it as motivation to be even more successful. Surround yourself with successful people. You don't wanna be that one broke dude
If I feel like they're deserving of success, I am happy for them. If they're undeserving, I feel a bit of envy because I don't think they appreciate what they have.
happy...one of my folks doin real well and he got it himself by makin the right moves. Mad props
I'm not gonna lie, I get envious.

But all that does is give me more motivation to work harder so I can get to where I want to be.

As if watching videos of Ferrari 458's, Aventadors. Thinking about Larry Ellison, Vijay Mallya and Richard Branson aren't enough motivation right?

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at first... i'm happy...

then envious... then it turns to motivation so i can beat them...
i honestly don't care as long as I AM successful

call me selfish but thats reality for me
Happy for friends and family, but as long as I'm moving in the right direction, I'm good.
^ That

I use it as motivation.

They got theirs, now it's time to go get mine.
I guess it depends how that person attained their success......if they cheated/swindled folks to get there, I would look sideways at that person and their character, not envious though.

I would like others to support me the higher I go in life, but I know a lot of folks get salty when they see you do good and rather than work hard and have themselves obtain the same, they will try and knock you.
I'm happy for them always.
I also use them as inspiration/motivation to get my **** together.
It's not my personality but for those who do this, why do you sit there and get mad/jelly at other people?
I'd rather spend my time and energy bettering myself and achieving my own goals.
I'll be honest . . . I'm ENVIOUS as hell, but I'll at least be happy for them to their face.

I know I shouldn't be proud of envy and jealousy, but I use it to motivate myself to work harder and smarter to achieve my goals.
If they deserved it I am happy for them
If they didn't deserve it I wouldn't say I am envious....just feel a little slighted because i worked hard for mine.

But there will always be that person who's parents pay for their entire college education. They graduate and Daddy hires them as a manager right out of school at his company making 80k a year.
But you can't worry about the next man just got to worry about yourself
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