NT, Are You Happy?

The moment you realized or questioned if you're happy, you're no longer happy because you're already out of that moment.
I have my moments. Constantly worried about my daughter want more money from my job need more time/energy for the gym. Being a father is tough man, it's never ending struggle to want the best for my baby. Don't even know how where to begin. I need to blaze I think.
Yes and no. I was just on vacation and was very happy to actually spend quality time with my fam. When I'm at home and spending time with them, I'm good.

Now I'm back at work realizing how much I loathe my workplace. I know happiness isn't derived from your job, but I'll be damned if doing something fulfilling wouldn't bring me more peace. We all spend way too much time at work to be stuck doing some BS we get nothing out of (besides money). I've GOT to find a different path forward for the sake of me and my fam.
im happy, learned that material things are just...things.

only thing is im scared all of this will just go away...just like that... :rolleyes
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