NT, are you the jealous/possessive type?

I have been jealous in the past but now I refuse to give in to jealousy because it's pointless. If my chick wants to be with another dude, how can I stop that? If she doesn't want what I am giving then go on your merry way and I'll find another female that does want it. The way I look at life now is NOTHING lasts forever so enjoy whatever it is while you can.
no cuffin.

if you worry that much to be jealous or possesive you need yourself someone else that will make you feel secure about the relationship.
yeah, kind of.

i'd just hate to have someone i care about cheat on me. the very idea of it irks me.

I would have to bust out the  Michael Scott conversation with her

"You cheated on me? .....After i specifically asked you not to?"
No, but that's not a good thing. I need to care or at least pretend to care every now and then. 
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

No, but that's not a good thing. I need to care or at least pretend to care every now and then. 

i've gotten that before...

i just looked at him like
depends on how sexy the girl is. I used to get really possessive in a relationship, but then I realized that I'm the man.

I do sometimes get jealous when i see sexy girls talking to other guys and not me. I know female move right there.
I try not to let certain things get to me, but I definitely get jealous in certain situations.  I wouldn't want my girl talking to other dudes, trying to say they're just friends 
.  Seriously, guys aren't gonna invest time into a girl they aren't interested in.  It's possible to just be friends, but not to the point where they're texting each other everyday and making plans and whatnot...
I did in my first relationship which was like sophomore year of hs but since then definitely not. You learn alot from each relationship so each time you become less jealous.
When I was younger I was due to my own insecurities. Now the way I see it is if somethin is gon happen, it's gon happen.
Originally Posted by Rico x Hood

Why am I not surprised that most of the people in here are not the jealous type?


Gotta love NT.
Club 27 wrote:
yeah, kind of.

i'd just hate to have someone i care about cheat on me. the very idea of it irks me.

I would have to bust out the  Michael Scott conversation with her

"You cheated on me? .....After i specifically asked you not to?" 
nope because cheating is her decision i can't control that ....so whats the point of stressing over something you can't control

And trying to control someone especially a girl is only going to push her farther away
It depends on what the situation is. I never understood why dudes get pissed when other dudes look at their girl. We are men thats what we do, I look at girls all day. If Im smashin her I dont care about some dude just glancing at her mass. If your girl is loyal then you shouldnt have to be crazy about what she's doing and where she at.
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