NT brethren, human vs car only has one result.

Oct 3, 2007
Working downtown DC I understand the pedestrian has the right of way but this sense of entitlement has to seriously stop. People give me weird looks because I prefer to look both ways before I cross the street. I see people constantly just step off the sidewalk into traffic because they are a pedestrian. This has grown me insensitive to people being hit by cars because it could have easily been avoided.

in B4 Meagtron
I ALWAYS look both ways but I don't entirely blame the pedestrians. I'm in my 4th year at my university and my 1st year a girl got struck and killed while riding her bike across a popular area that students cross the street at. They finally made it into a proper crosswalk area with a sign and everything last year and a few weeks ago another person got hit in the same area. I know from personally experience that sometimes cars seem to speed up to avoid having to stop for pedestrians and myself or friends have almost gotten hit due to this.
Originally Posted by Mister Negative

I feel even worse for idiots that get hit by trains on foot

I lol. I know it happens but will never understand how you let it happen.........Move!
Not a common rule here in New Zealand

I was driving around the North Island over new years and this rule was in place at a couple cities. It's just weird; I hated it.
Blows my mind when pedestrians walk into traffic without any hesitation.

That striped line doesn't make you invincible, pleighboi
man when im in dc i hate when ppl just jump out there. I get as close as possible just because
The worst is when someone is jwalking about 2 feet away from a crosswalk.
The dee dee dee didn't realize that people from the adjacent street are turning into that street.
Now he has to wait in the middle of street for cars to pass.
Then everyone passes by like
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