NT Caucasians....How Do You Feel About Slavery?

Originally Posted by Im Not You

Originally Posted by DeadsetAce

Im Not You - i see your point. but i think theres a difference between asking people to forget about slavery and asking people to stop using it as an excuse. obviously it had an impact on black people, no one is going to dispute that. but to just cite that and then not work to better your situation is ridiculous. and im not saying you're doing that or someone else here is, but i think that's what people mean when they say don't dwell on it. like, it happened, it messed a lot of $#$@ up, but lets move on and work on getting to where we want to be.

and im not sure what forums you're reading, but if people are saying that you should literally forgot it happen, then i wouldnt even bother reading that garbage. it's not something that can be forgot as if it never happened.

By all means...I'm not saying that it is an excuse...I'm saying it's one of many reasons for the current state of our people. An excuse implies that you're placing guilt on another party. I'm saying many of problems in not only our inner cities, but even in our mid-high class suburbs (highly affluent black areas)...stem from slavery. The color complex we have amongst each other (light skin/dark skin)...the violence between each other...the educational incompetence in our school systems...the absence of the man from the household, etc...all can be traced BACK to slavery. That doesn't mean if Black Kid A drops out of school, lives a life of crime and ultimately ends up in a casket that's the result of slavery. But rather the mindset that generated the thought process behind those decisions...stem from a DEEP, DEEP, DEEPLY embedded by-product of slavery...AMONG a plethora of other things...and not ONLY slavery.
word i can agree with that
I'm sure everyone on this site knows where I stand on the issue.

the problem with a lot of white people is that they don't acknowledge white privilage....

white privilage is basically the effect that slavery still plays today.

yeah, you didn't own slaves, however, you DO directly benefit from slavery, much in the same fashion black people today weren't slaves but are stillsuffer from its effect...

and I have nothing else to say.

don't quote me, don't voice your opinion, because it doesn't matter...what I typed is thee realest talk of all...and its not even debatable.....
Derek916 wrote:
HueyP in LouieV wrote:
daemacho wrote:
Every great civilization was built on the backs of slaves. Im tired of people thinking because it was so recent it makes it worse than the other. Slavery was terrible, but another century and it will be a speck on the timeline.

More BS.

Tell us what great civilization hasn't been built on slavery than.

oh btw slavery isn't the worst injustice humans have done you forget or don't know that humans basically bred out the entire neaderthal population to extinction

he's not saying that other nations weren't built off of slave labor...what makes African slavery in America unique is that is was strictly racebase...Africans weren't captured after they lost a war...they were taken from their land because Europeans felt they were superior to the Africans...thoseeffects can still be seen today...thats what makes slavery in American from slavery before than in other parts of the world...it was motivated by race...

I thought you was smart, girl...


btw, south carolina alone had over 100k slaves...

so much for your "not that many, its exhaggerated" theory.

(and I learned that figure in a linguistics class, explaining why whites and blacks that worked as slaves talked the same....btw, once they started gettingalong, the whites were separated)
I'm against slavery but I don't feel any guilt about it being from an Irish imigrant family who came to America during the height of Irishdiscrimination.

I'd like to point out though that African nations would enslave people from rival territories and sell them to the Europeans for money and weapons. Sowhile Whites created demand, those African nations, along with Europeans, helped to supply the "business".
I don't think dunks87 shares those opinions herself...I think she just shared what she was taught.

I could be wrong...
Asians enslaved blacks way before the caucusasians ever did.
I don't even like the word enslaved though. Too mild.
Originally Posted by shortydoowopp

Derek916 wrote:
HueyP in LouieV wrote:
daemacho wrote:
Every great civilization was built on the backs of slaves. Im tired of people thinking because it was so recent it makes it worse than the other. Slavery was terrible, but another century and it will be a speck on the timeline.

More BS.

Tell us what great civilization hasn't been built on slavery than.

oh btw slavery isn't the worst injustice humans have done you forget or don't know that humans basically bred out the entire neaderthal population to extinction

he's not saying that other nations weren't built off of slave labor...what makes African slavery in America unique is that is was strictly race base...Africans weren't captured after they lost a war...they were taken from their land because Europeans felt they were superior to the Africans...those effects can still be seen today...thats what makes slavery in American from slavery before than in other parts of the world...it was motivated by race...
Can someone please shed some light on this.
They were taken???
Did they put up a fight/struggle???
How did the Europeans so easily enslave them???

I really want to know this has always bothered me.I don't know much about this but there seems to be some pretty informed people on NT when it comes toslavery.

Help me out if possible.
Originally Posted by PhillyPG1

Originally Posted by shortydoowopp

Derek916 wrote:
HueyP in LouieV wrote:
daemacho wrote:
Every great civilization was built on the backs of slaves. Im tired of people thinking because it was so recent it makes it worse than the other. Slavery was terrible, but another century and it will be a speck on the timeline.

More BS.
Tell us what great civilization hasn't been built on slavery than.

oh btw slavery isn't the worst injustice humans have done you forget or don't know that humans basically bred out the entire neaderthal population to extinction

he's not saying that other nations weren't built off of slave labor...what makes African slavery in America unique is that is was strictly race base...Africans weren't captured after they lost a war...they were taken from their land because Europeans felt they were superior to the Africans...those effects can still be seen today...thats what makes slavery in American from slavery before than in other parts of the world...it was motivated by race...
Can someone please shed some light on this.
They were taken???
Did they put up a fight/struggle???
How did the Europeans so easily enslave them???

I really want to know this has always bothered me.I don't know much about this but there seems to be some pretty informed people on NT when it comes to slavery.

Help me out if possible.

I don't think anyone on here will be able to give you a brief answer to this question, because there were MANY different factors that lead tothis. If you (or anyone else)really want to know, I'd recommend picking up "The Destruction of Black Civilization.
Originally Posted by urmaynzlame

i honestly think its something everyone should get over, yet be mindful of. until mankind can see eachother as no more as a fellow man than their will always be some sort of segregation. just imagine NT had to put pix of our real faces for our avvys. there would prolly be alot of hating going on.

This always bothered me, I am not bashing you personally, but what do you mean get over it?
Originally Posted by PhillyPG1

Can someone please shed some light on this.
They were taken???
Did they put up a fight/struggle???
How did the Europeans so easily enslave them???

I really want to know this has always bothered me.I don't know much about this but there seems to be some pretty informed people on NT when it comes to slavery.

Help me out if possible.

1) As I stated before, the American system of slavery was something foreign to Africans at that time. Trading in prisoners of war was not though. So they neverreally knew what was happening to the prisoners whom they traded with Europeans.

2) A guns for slaves cycles began forming and quickly devastated the great Civilizations of western Africa. Its akin to the drug/gang/street game today. Ifyour enemy has a gun...you better get one too. The gun was a completely new and disruptive technology and it threw off the balance of power and organization inAfrica. Africans had to be captured in order for communities to protect themselves and keep up with their neighbors and raiding Europeans. By 1700 Europeanstraded 150,000 guns a year with West Coast Africans...you can imagine the impact and ripple effect that would have had on African civilization.

3) The Africans sold each other into slavery excuse, is largely a cop out used by many to deflect blame for the most heinous crime in human history. Europeansalso conducted mass raids on helpless populations, many Africans kings also strongly protested and fought against the abduction of Africans for trade withEuropeans and an Economic system of slaves for survival developed, changing the African paradigm completely.
i don't get the question.....how is one supposed to "feel" about it?

it was bad but i don't feel "guilty," if that's what you're asking.

neither i nor anyone in my family ever participated in the slave trade.

if you're talking indirectly benefiting through "white privelige" then that makes a little more sense....but again no "guilt." it'snot fair but it's not of my doing either so guilt wouldn't be the right word.

i mean i hope we all agree it was a terrible thing.....don't know how much discussion there is to be had on the moral side of the issue.
Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

if you're talking indirectly benefiting through "white privelige" then that makes a little more sense....but again no "guilt." it's not fair but it's not of my doing either so guilt wouldn't be the right word.

What would be the right word?
Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

if you're talking indirectly benefiting through "white privelige" then that makes a little more sense....but again no "guilt." it's not fair but it's not of my doing either so guilt wouldn't be the right word.

What would be the right word?
don't know man. would've used it if i had it.
Originally Posted by Cartier Urkel

Flame suit on....Serious Question.

Not trying to start a mini race war in this thread, but I'm very curious on how you feel about the whole subject of slavery. Like are you ashamed of the actions that SOME of your ancestors were involved in, or do you give less than a +++! because it wasn't you doing these heinous things?

Growing up, I used to think that slavery was overexxaggerated because when reading books, educational programs, and other peoples accounts, Its so hard to believe that as black people, we could be taken from our homeland and FORCED to work against our will while being treated as property instead of humans. I cannot for the life of me even imagine these events coming into fruition.

Weigh in please..
For me it's not about personal guilt b/c quite frankly, there is no logical reason why should I feel guilty over something another person did(if there's anyone in my family who even did anything with regards to slavery).

The bottom line is that slavery in all of it's forms (and yes, it still exists today in different forms) is heinous. A while back, I recall readingsomewhere that it was an accepted part of some African societies waaay back when (before the slave trade in the Americas started I believe), but even then(when it existed as a "normal and accepted" cultural thing) I feel the same way about it.

What happened to people who were affected by slavery is awful and horrid, to say the least. Hopefully, if there's one good thing to come out of it,it's the lesson to never let it happen again, to ANY people.
Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

if you're talking indirectly benefiting through "white privelige" then that makes a little more sense....but again no "guilt." it's not fair but it's not of my doing either so guilt wouldn't be the right word.

What would be the right word?
don't know man. would've used it if i had it.
Can you speak on your feelings about white privilege or the American racial dichotomy in general?

Im genuinely curious.
Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

if you're talking indirectly benefiting through "white privelige" then that makes a little more sense....but again no "guilt." it's not fair but it's not of my doing either so guilt wouldn't be the right word.

What would be the right word?
don't know man. would've used it if i had it.
Can you speak on your feelings about white privilege or the American racial dichotomy in general?

Im genuinely curious.
nah bro i gotta hit the gym soon.

but all i was saying was....."guilt" doesn't sound right to me in that situation. i don't mean "wasn't me, not myproblem/responsibility" or denying that i benefit from certain privileges that my skin color afford me.

but to me "guilt" implies personal responsibility, and to imply that i am personally responsible for the slave trade and its ill-effects on societywould be completely incorrect.
at get over it.

As prob stated before... whats the use of feeling sorry but still accepting the benefits?
lol, if you asking how you acknowledge white priviledge......you're in the percentage of the white population that doesn't acknowledge it.


I've had this talk numerous times with both white and black kids...

basically the cool white people acknowledge it, and the uptight, closet racists/clueless white people don't...


the percentage who dont acknowledge it is bigger than the percentage that do....check yourself, what percentage are you?

ask br3d or mili IVs if they acknowledge it or not..

(I say acknowledge rather than believe, cause the %@$@ is real whether you believe in it or not....its whether you acknowledge it as a real construct ofsociety or not...)
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