NT, check out this painting I've been working on Update on pg. 3 and 1

Mar 22, 2007
NT, here's a painting of Zlatan Ibrahimovic that I've been working on for the past day.

here's what it looked like at some point yesterday.

here's what it looks like now.

I can't believe how much I got done in a day. Thoughts?

what it looks like now, as of 8/2/09 3:44pm Eastern
keep it up
You're no Bob Ross, but it is quite good.

The face will probably be the hardest part lol.
yo i didn't imbrahimovic is with Barcelona now... damn i'm late haha all these time i thought he was still with intern
Wow that looks really nice.

Keep it up and post the final drawing when you're done.
Great work man. Keep it up...

Artistic ability is the quality that I envy most in people, there's so many different ways you can express it.
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