NT College Students am I the only one can't find a summer Job?

Apr 25, 2007
This is crazy, ever since I was 16 I've been employed but now that I'm older and have a year of college under my belt I can't get one.
So Far I've applied at:
Home Goods
TJ Maxx
Rite Aid
Marriot Lifeguard
Footlocker - where I used to work but after I quit for working there for a year the manager marked me as "unreturnable"
And I also tried numerous clerical/assistant jobs on craigslist, that never hit me back

When I ask for an interview people hit me with the "We will contact you" or if I do get an interview they'll say "Well, we are looking for apermanent employee" Are yall experiencing the same problems, my parents constantly yell at me to get a job or I can't live here but I don't knowwhat to tell em.
We all in the same boat man, hopefully things will get better in time.

I just graduated from college and I'm having trouble finding employment.
Yeah I am a junior and have been working since 15. Looks like I won't be this summer.
i know you're in the same situation as a lot of people.

i have a job that i can come back to every summer/winter breaks, but this summer the hours have been crumby, so i am looking for another one and having no luckso far.
I'm glad I don't need a summer job
word...few years ago, i had no problem finding a job..usually got a call back within 2 weeks.
i applied to so many places and im in desperate need of a job. this sucks bro
Same here and it sucks! It feels weird for me to not be doing anything work or school related so far this summer. The last time I didn't have a job waswhen I was a junior in high school (junior now in college).
na man everybody in that boat.
.. its crazy out here... better go cop a sack and post up and get money word to Yung JewMan... The dopeman stillhiring...
lmao at the pic, but yeah I tried a camp job. I feel bad for people who graduated, I'm only a sophmore, but I still feel like I can't go to KFC orMcDonalds. Like minimum wage to work at a @+%%%% place I don't know if I can do that. It's just not working for me right now.
I`m actually about to leave for an interview, This spot like 20 miles and some change away, but I need work
My STEM (science,technology,engineering,math) majors should have applied for a REU program (easy 3k + cake
no excuses for yall. The other majors .......
im in high school
ive applied
cant find anything besides cluck u chicken
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