NT, do you like them thick or fat ?

Slim Goodies
Thick is always better. But I still think the best determinant is the ratio. If a chick has a nice waist-to-behind ratio, I'm all over that.
Originally Posted by Club29

alot of folk on here dont seem to know the difference

or don't care..actually yea they do because they'll see a girl who is overweight and call her "thick" and defend their view to death.
I don't like them fat at all or out of shape. Just enough meat on your bones where you got something up top and a booty, skinny chicks are a
, some of yall stuck on that R. Kelly stuff. I like grown women wholook like grown women. I don't wanna be able to see your rib cages when you lift your arms up
Originally Posted by MrMoneyInDaBank

I like em thick like this:

Thick in the stomach is fat.
Does this look wrong to any one else? Her body is not proportional.I t's like you took a thick girl and a skinny girl, used the skinnygirl's top, and the thick girl's bottom and photo shopped it together. This is straight overkill. You're either thick or skinny, you can't beboth....
I like females period. I honestly don't care, just as long as chick is at least 120 lb. and no more than 230lb.
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