NT Do You Own a Home or Rent? (Your age? Location?)

Cleveland Area

I'm honestly not looking to buy anytime soon either. Not until I'm making enough and/or married



$850/month for a 3br/2ba house

considering buying the home I'm living in cause my mortgage payment would be $100-200 cheaper and I been in this house for nearly 3 years already.
These low prices some of y'all are paying got me angry
I mean with the rent the HOA fees and taxes it might round off

to about $500 

my friend at work has a 4 bedroom house with three bedrooms and two living rooms

with two floors a pay 1,400 a month 

that not for me she had some relatives staying over 

but its just her and her husband

and im hell bent on not having any kids but if happens other wise I have no problem with a 2 bed room condo 
I actually plan on buying a condo/home early next year in TN. I will be 26 by that time.

I was heavily considering whether I wanted to buy or just keep renting, but it's nothing like having something that's your own.
Rent (Starting my paper work to buy today!!!!!!!!!)

Seattle rent is :x
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I will be moving there at the beginning of Sept. We will be living in Logan Square, my gf mom is the landlord and I think she decreased the rent by $100. I live in New Haven CT right now so I have not been able to check it out. Pm me your info if your trying to chill. I love meeting new people and have enjoyed all my NT meetups.

Im in bk bro lol
  • 33
  • Rent
  • Fort Lauderdale 
Oddly enough, the condo I live in is owned by my "baby momma". And unlike most that say they "own", she literally owns the spot. Bought the place cash with a generous gift from a relative soon after she got pregnant with our daughter. It was the first place we had together. And even more random is that her female cousin is my roommate. I let her move in a couple months ago as a favor to the family. It's a 3 bedroom condo and I was living there alone so.... figured why not have someone help out with the bills and keep more $ in my pocket. 

Edit:  My baby momma got married and moved to NC, which is why she doesn't live in her condo and I do. In our agreement for her leaving the state with our daughter she agreed to rent to me so a) when our daughter came to stay with me she'd be coming back home and b) she'd have someone in the place she knew wouldn't tear the joint up .... she also left me the flat screen TV in the bedroom.... she took our bed tho, which was weird ....felt like I was negotiating a max contract 

If I could flat out by a house cash, it's a no-brainer. But paying on a mortgage for a quarter of my life is a risk I've never been interested in taking. Sometimes people get lucky and find a place that jumps in value over the years, but more often than not people are losing money at the end of the day. Paying for home repairs out of pocket is an expense I couldn't afford being single. And until the house is paid for, it really isn't yours -- it's the bank. So IMO you don't own anything. 
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I plan to move back to the Bay Area soon so no reason for me to buy a home in Sacramento.
My share of a 2 bed 2 bath in West LA is 1235 :smh: :lol:
cold world

How much space?

And how far are you from the hospital?

1000 sq ft

20-25 minutes.

I could be closer but I wanted to live on the Westside (just a few miles from the beach) and have a roommate (he works at a different hospital)

There are cheaper spots but they were older/broken down and didn't have central air or W&D
Outside of Phoenix

$830 for 1015 sq ft. 1 bed 1 bath apt

Living in a house would be dope but currently not making enough money to justify buying one and don't want to live beyond my means so a house will have to wait til I make more money lol.
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