NT..Ever collected unemployment?.Free Money?

Im 19, an Im on unemployment, an I want a job, sh*t I wish I could find a job man it seem like im a ex-con or something dont nobody wanna hire me,lol I wasworking @ Wal-Mart for 2 years, then I got fired. an been on unemployment since.

-ps UE dosent last 4eva, so stick to earning money, because if it is given, it aint promised.
Originally Posted by socluis90

Originally Posted by Cedric Ceballos 1995 Lakers

Originally Posted by onlyjays9P

I got fired from my job because car broke down so I called in... Now I get 500 every 2 weeks from un-enjoyment.

$450 every 2 weeks here, it sucks how jobs fire for rediculously stupid reasons though and completely disregard all the extra stuff and effort you put in during your tenure.

i swear this job market besides fast food and minimal jobs is dead though. its so damn discouraging looking for a job when you go dressed up, make the effort to make a good impression, go dressed up, good resume etc and still you can't find nothing.

i was lucky to put money aside for a situation like this plus have my unemployment comming in, plus i got other legit ways of making money so im not screwed but i would like to have something consistent.

part of me wants to enjoy the summer, go travel places and just have the life freedom i haven't had since the summer after i graduated high school and part of me wants to find a job asap. i've been making the most out of my time while unemployed trying to live each day to the fullest but at the same time the extended vacation has gotten old at times.

those who have jobs appreciate what you have.



nope lakersmets49ers

i got interview number 5 comming up on tuesday, hopefully the fifth time is the charm.
Originally Posted by Cedric Ceballos 1995 Lakers

Originally Posted by socluis90

Originally Posted by Cedric Ceballos 1995 Lakers

Originally Posted by onlyjays9P

I got fired from my job because car broke down so I called in... Now I get 500 every 2 weeks from un-enjoyment.

$450 every 2 weeks here, it sucks how jobs fire for rediculously stupid reasons though and completely disregard all the extra stuff and effort you put in during your tenure.

i swear this job market besides fast food and minimal jobs is dead though. its so damn discouraging looking for a job when you go dressed up, make the effort to make a good impression, go dressed up, good resume etc and still you can't find nothing.

i was lucky to put money aside for a situation like this plus have my unemployment comming in, plus i got other legit ways of making money so im not screwed but i would like to have something consistent.

part of me wants to enjoy the summer, go travel places and just have the life freedom i haven't had since the summer after i graduated high school and part of me wants to find a job asap. i've been making the most out of my time while unemployed trying to live each day to the fullest but at the same time the extended vacation has gotten old at times.

those who have jobs appreciate what you have.



nope lakersmets49ers

i got interview number 5 comming up on tuesday, hopefully the fifth time is the charm.
oops, well w.b. anyways
I collected unemployment after I got fired from my last job. I went from making $23/hr to $450/wk... not the business, but decent for free money. You gottaanswer a questionnaire basically saying you applied for jobs and where. Mine was cut off b/c I went back to school full-time... so if you have no plans to goto school, you should be good.

Wouldn't recommend it though. You'll probably only get like $200-300/wk based on your current earnings.
Originally Posted by socluis90

Originally Posted by Ballin all day

Originally Posted by socluis90

Originally Posted by JazzyJeff88

Its not that I'm lazy..I've been bustin my %!% gettin up earl every mornin for the last 2 n a half years..I jus need a break.plus m tryna get bak in skool...so y not collect sum free cash in the mean time..plus 14/hr isn't that bad I guess..but I feel like I'm missin out on other jobs that pay better once I actually hav time to look for another job..just my thoughts...any other ppl wit some experience wit dis or advice..so far ut looks like I'm takin my %!% back to work...

Well guess what? It's part of life. You deserve nothing. If you need a break just quit your job and go back to school. I hate people like you. Your type of people are the reason our country is so $%$%%$ up and the reason why our culture is so *+*#%@@ lazy. I've never understood why the government gives out free money to you lazy +#$#!.
Well, to be serious, I hate people like YOU.

OP came here to get advice, not to be judged. If you dont have that advice then why you even bother replying?

BTW. Im with OP on this one. He is working, paying taxes, and feels he wants to get back in school. Then why wouldnt he get anything back from the government when he can? That cash will help him with his plan for sure. If there is an opportunity to get something out of them, when you need it, then I am all for it.
Spoken like a true dumb %*@.
Said a kid, who cant even make a sentence without it getting edited.
Originally Posted by Ballin all day

Originally Posted by socluis90

Originally Posted by Ballin all day

Originally Posted by socluis90

Originally Posted by JazzyJeff88

Its not that I'm lazy..I've been bustin my %!% gettin up earl every mornin for the last 2 n a half years..I jus need a break.plus m tryna get bak in skool...so y not collect sum free cash in the mean time..plus 14/hr isn't that bad I guess..but I feel like I'm missin out on other jobs that pay better once I actually hav time to look for another job..just my thoughts...any other ppl wit some experience wit dis or advice..so far ut looks like I'm takin my %!% back to work...

Well guess what? It's part of life. You deserve nothing. If you need a break just quit your job and go back to school. I hate people like you. Your type of people are the reason our country is so $%$%%$ up and the reason why our culture is so *+*#%@@ lazy. I've never understood why the government gives out free money to you lazy +#$#!.
Well, to be serious, I hate people like YOU.

OP came here to get advice, not to be judged. If you dont have that advice then why you even bother replying?

BTW. Im with OP on this one. He is working, paying taxes, and feels he wants to get back in school. Then why wouldnt he get anything back from the government when he can? That cash will help him with his plan for sure. If there is an opportunity to get something out of them, when you need it, then I am all for it.
Spoken like a true dumb %*@.
Said a kid, who cant even make a sentence without it getting edited.
I'll continue to be successful while losers like you leech off the government.

BTW I have nothing against those people who get unemployment because they got fired or laid off. +**# happens. I just don't agree with those of you whowant to get fired on purpose just to collect it. If you trying to live off $500 in free money a month you aren't doing it anyways.
Originally Posted by socluis90

Originally Posted by Ballin all day

Originally Posted by socluis90

Originally Posted by Ballin all day

Originally Posted by socluis90

Originally Posted by JazzyJeff88

Its not that I'm lazy..I've been bustin my %!% gettin up earl every mornin for the last 2 n a half years..I jus need a break.plus m tryna get bak in skool...so y not collect sum free cash in the mean time..plus 14/hr isn't that bad I guess..but I feel like I'm missin out on other jobs that pay better once I actually hav time to look for another job..just my thoughts...any other ppl wit some experience wit dis or advice..so far ut looks like I'm takin my %!% back to work...

Well guess what? It's part of life. You deserve nothing. If you need a break just quit your job and go back to school. I hate people like you. Your type of people are the reason our country is so $%$%%$ up and the reason why our culture is so *+*#%@@ lazy. I've never understood why the government gives out free money to you lazy +#$#!.
Well, to be serious, I hate people like YOU.

OP came here to get advice, not to be judged. If you dont have that advice then why you even bother replying?

BTW. Im with OP on this one. He is working, paying taxes, and feels he wants to get back in school. Then why wouldnt he get anything back from the government when he can? That cash will help him with his plan for sure. If there is an opportunity to get something out of them, when you need it, then I am all for it.
Spoken like a true dumb %*@.
Said a kid, who cant even make a sentence without it getting edited.
I'll continue to be successful while losers like you leech off the government.

BTW I have nothing against those people who get unemployment because they got fired or laid off. +**# happens. I just don't agree with those of you who want to get fired on purpose just to collect it. If you trying to live off $500 in free money a month you aren't doing it anyways.
Boy, you dont know anything about me. Im 24, got my own business, Masters degree in the IT field and going for my second one in economics. Ifthats losers status then I dont know what to tell you.

There were times in my life that were tough and I needed money, so I got financial aid that I didnt "deserve". I dont see anything wrong with it, andthat is my point. If theres something that can help you out then just go for it.
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