NT FAM--I'm Gonna Be A Father

May 15, 2007
As the title states, I'm gonna be a father to a baby boy. This is mine and my wife's first. So I come to you fathers with a few questions (before I get the, "you have to ask NT, you are in trouble already posts"), anyways
1. What products/toys worked best for your boy?

2. Did you guys try and get them on the same sleep/eat schedule as you? Was it successful? To what extent?

Thanks, any extra input will be helpful

what are you gonna name him?
i have a lil bro that i take care of so i guess i can help.
just in general by blocks. they never fail with either gender.
those little circular carts that they sit it and walk in is a good bet too.

to my knowledge my parents went with the flow as far sleep schedule. when he needed to sleep, he was put to bed, but as
he got older (3 and 4) they started conditioning him to go to bed at normal hours.

U "minus well" not even think about a sleep schedule for the first couple months...

It will get easier with time though.... With a newborn its hard to get them on a schedule...

They will eat every couple hours.... So in the middle of the night one of you will have to wake up...

Your best bet is to try to nap whenever he naps to catch some extra z's....

If you and your wife can work that out... The hardest part about that is.... When the baby naps thats the best time to do stuff that u need to do...

You will be ok... IMO it's not as hard as everyone makes it out to be....

Also RACK UP on pampers from the newborns to about size 5... There will never be enough...

Hope that helps...
Congrats fam!

Now in all honesty I was lucky on so many levels. My son slept on a regular schedule, he was healthy, happy, well behaved without me having to do very much in terms of discipline. I swear my kid knows the right way to act on his own. I just hope he continues this trend throughout his teenage years lol.

Get your kid a bumbo and one of those rockers that play soft music. Life savers imo.

Like YB said, stack diapers like no other. Hopefully the friends and family will come through with a ton of them for you. But always take advantage of diaper sales at the stores.
Congrats man! You won't have to worry about any toys right now. Other than teething toys/rings in the months to come. Although I must say the best thing I've spent my money on was a BUMBO seat for my Daughter. It teaches them how to sit up straight/proper.

Sleeping schedule with my Daughter was great from the day she was born. She would fall asleep around 10-11pm and wake up once around 3:30am for a bottle. So it was easy for her to adjust to our schedule. I do have a cousin who would try to keep her son awake most of the day that way he was tired when night time would come around. He stays alseep alot longer at night that way.
Thanks guys... all useful information. And @do work son Quinten River is what we decided on.
<---- 100th post, no noob though... lurked since 02
haha thanks guys.. some of you guys are clowns... Some of you guys sound very lucky with your kids
Best advice for having a newborn
-try to keep him up during the day to maximize your nighttime rest. You will miss sleep for a while
-toy wise dont buy any. Invest in Your Baby can Read. This *%! is gold for educating your kids.
-Eating wise you cant control that. Babies eat when and where they wanna.
-Stack up on diapers and formula. Both go fast as hell
-Save bread for daycare or a sitter. The cost of this will break you unless you got a hookup

Thats all i got for now. Good luck and enjoy my man
i have 3. welcome to the club

Spoiler [+]
please take one.
fam im jelly!....congrats man!

my niece goes crazy over cellphones and keys...lol

what ive noticed from all my friends whom have had kids in the past 2 years is that they completely take over your life....you eat around their schedule and sleep around their sleep schedule, at first they sleep all day and up alot of the night so ive heard, then you begin to manage their sleep/eat schedule, thats pretty much all they do from 0-2 months, eat, sleep, crap....after that they start becoming more and more aware of their sorroundings and sleep less and less, i think thats when it starts getting tougher....i dunno much else since im not a father...but good luck and embrace the blessing.....btw where are you located?..
Again thanks guys, my wifey is reading these as well, and says thanks too... she gets on here and surfs for new things to get me so no pics haha sorry.. but yeah i really appreciate it. Umm @ksteezy, in SouthWest Washington.. why u ask my guy?
Congrats. everything the other posters have said are the same thing i'd say. enjoy every minute because the time WILL fly. take lots of pics/vids.
as a father of 3 i consider myself a pro, best advice i can give :

ALWAYS keep him on the same sleep schedule if you can an NEVER let him sleep with you . there will be nights were he wont sleep and if you bring him with you once he'll always want to sleep with you and you're done. i learned the hard way with my 1st .....

enjoy every minute my dude , they grow fast . best of luck to u and wifey ......
I have two.  My first is three and a half (girl) and my second is one and a half (boy).

First off, get ready for insanity for about a month after the baby is born.  They eat like every two hours and if yyour wife is breastfeeding, that means she must be up and breastfeeding for about 30-40 mins every 2 hours (meaning she has 1 hour  and 20 mins before each feeding).  Breastfeeding is hard but if she really wants to do it, tell her to keep at it and it will work.  My wofe breastfed for the first four months with our first, and we went straight with formula for our second.

As for toys, that is the least of your concerns until they are about 6 months old, especially a boy.  They take longer to develop.  Case in point, my daughter was speaking to my wife and I in full sentences at 18 months.  My son has like 20 or so owrds right now.  What you will want to get is one of those mats for them to do tummy time.  They hate it but it helps them stregthen their neck muscle because they have to pick their head up to get off the floor.  Other than that, just get them those 0-6 minth old toys from buy buy baby or whatever.  My sone didn't start even thinking about cars I bought him until he was like 12 months old.

As for the schedule, that is the hardest thing.  I don't know exactly how my wife did it but you need to train them because at first they are opposite, up all night and sleep all day.  You have to do the same thing all the time in terms of feedings, ertc.  Your pediatrician will guide you.  That is another important thing.  Get a pediatrician your wife loves as she needs to trust him and when he tells her not to worry (yes, you will worry about every little thing), she will need someone she trusts.

I got a lot of respect for you dudes in here with three kids.  I am NEVER doing it again.  I'm 36 and my wife is 35 and we are done!  No more bottles, formula and I'm about a year or so away from no more diapers (my son is obviously still in diapers).  I love my kids more than anything, but I can't go through that first four months with a new baby ever again.
my kids are getting big too dam fast , my daughter turns 14 saturday ( nobody better ask for pics

my other daughter's 12 and my son turns 7 in sept . i miss when they were little babies . look forward to my grandkids ...... NO TIME SOON .....
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