Lol I've been spoiled by having girls approach me so much. I've forgotten how to approach them first. Right now I don't need to but I'll probably be put in a situation where I need to regain these skills lmao. My job is one where I have to deal with people 8-10 hours a day and listen to their meaningless stories, keep minor conversations going. So, I'm getting better at it. But for now I just let the broads flock bro
you seeking attention.
talk to your female cousins
female friends

get use to speaking to a female
get use to keeping a conversation

if you still arent confident talk to em over FB or texting and build up from there

try to be funny and confident dont force it though cuz it might just make things awkward

good luck young grass hopper
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I will repost what I have said on here before
You know what let me give you real advice that might actually help.
Hear is the truth: approaching women for a vast majority of men is not easy, as much as the machismo section of Nike-talk would have you believe it, there are some men who are naturals, have an innate ability to overcome the the approach anxiety and go up to women, because they have always had this ability they have approached more women and there for have had more practice giving them even more confidence but if you are smart you can come with a system that can help you overcome these limitations.
Everybody know me on s and t as a numbers guy and trust me when I say I have broken this down to a science, and have become incredibly good at it and if you are smart you can go from a mediocre average dude game wise, to a high level. I call it my Playa effciency rating or PER. :lol:
This is the key to everything, you can't improve without approaching, approaching isn't easy you likely feel a certain amount of anxiety, there are key wasy to over coming the approach.
1. Have a simple plan.
I'm not saying go in like some of these guys, with complicated stories the burden to try and remember will give you more anxiety. A very simple observation or question that provokes a response. Girls are always willing to give there opinion on **** ESPECIALLY relationship-y type stuff, i wont reveal my go to moves to you but just keep it simple.
a quick example off the top of my head: you can ask
my friend says her boyfriend read the who twilight series (or maybe 50 shades of grey more current) in like two days and she's actually worried he might be gay, if you had a boyfriend would it wierd you out if he did the same?
always disagree with whatever she says, it's a boring if you agree. it may seem lame but girls are always thirsty to comment on other peopls relationship, it makes them open up.
REMEMBER: non of this is a gateway to the yambz, it simply a tool to get you into a conversation, and to cut down on the anxiety of what will I say. over time the more you do this you will develop a large catalog of stories and questions and other ********, and you will get better and better at free styling the more you practice eventually you won't need the questions.
2. Have a time limit, have a set time when you have to bounce.
Getting into conversations often rattle people because they don't how long they will be stuck in if it goes bad. Tell her you gotta be some place meet a firnd in a minute or something it actually makes the girl more comfortable and that way if it's going bad you can just eject.
3. Get your mind right.
a. this ***** is lucky to be talking to you.
b. all girls ESPECIALLY single girls are thirsty for a confident funny man to approach them, forget what they say on twitter.
c. move on from and L, nobody on this planet has ran game without taking L's they are inevitable AND THEY DON'T MATTER. nobody cares, about the L's but people respect the dude who approaches.
d, no expectations, you don't even know if she's cool enough to **** you, you have to test her .
F. this ***** is LUCKY to be talking to you.
4. Smile N.
Stop mean mugging peopole like your in a d-block video, smile more, people will want to be around you more through that alone
approach everyday, try and set a goal like i won't leave untill i talk to 3 girls in the early stages don't worry abot getting numbers just worry about APPROACHING. It's like jumping into a cold pool you gotta do it enough times to get use to it.

[Nas]Realest **** you ever wrote[/Nas]
apparently i was born with superior game so i dont know what to tell you----youre not a fighter? thats fine roll with a banger

and if the skeezers see you up the banger on some dudes????
ON THE JOCK----2 birds with one stone...youre welcome OP
talk to your female cousins
female friends

get use to speaking to a female
get use to keeping a conversation

if you still arent confident talk to em over FB or texting and build up from there

try to be funny and confident dont force it though cuz it might just make things awkward

good luck young grass hopper
They love that
I don't know if weight lifting is the answer. It actually seems like a cop out to me. I think u guys r assuming that that all guys who are hesitant are so because of their appearance. But what if someone is just reserved and can't shrug off the idea of rejection in general? How is lifting going to make them less hesitant? I'm sure there are some lifters who are forever alone. For this problem, I think u just have to practice with all kinds of girls, beginning with ugly ones. I don't see a way around that.
I don't know if weight lifting is the answer. It actually seems like a cop out to me. I think u guys r assuming that that all guys who are hesitant are so because of their appearance. But what if someone is just reserved and can't shrug off the idea of rejection in general? How is lifting going to make them less hesitant? I'm sure there are some lifters who are forever alone. For this problem, I think u just have to practice with all kinds of girls, beginning with ugly ones. I don't see a way around that.
bc he lacks self confidence. you go ham in the gym, start seeing results and start to feel yourself. girls start to notice. self confidence starts increasing.

everything else falls in place. atlest thats how it worked for me.
The smartest course of action is to face your fear head-on. I don't care if your heart is about to explode from your chest, or can barely breathe. You look a girl in the eyes, open your mouth and say words. If you can't do this, there is no advice in the world that can help you.
just be about your own business. im tired of people being so desperate for relationships as if its the end all be all in life. build a career. get that dough. watch the women flock to you. there will come a time in every mans life where he will find success in life and love. just be patient. get your priorities straight then the confidence will come...
Bro its 2012.....doctor up a really good picture of yourself....put it on a dating website....go on mad dates with ugly chicks for yambs....
I don't know if weight lifting is the answer. It actually seems like a cop out to me. I think u guys r assuming that that all guys who are hesitant are so because of their appearance. But what if someone is just reserved and can't shrug off the idea of rejection in general? How is lifting going to make them less hesitant? I'm sure there are some lifters who are forever alone. For this problem, I think u just have to practice with all kinds of girls, beginning with ugly ones. I don't see a way around that.
Why start with ugly women, though?

They get approached more than anyone based on a bunch of guys trying to aim low to boost their chances.

I've been in sales my whole working career... and you essentially start from the top and work your way down...

Pitch the most expensive items.. people tend to sell based on THEIR OWN pockets instead of the CUSTOMERS POCKETS ...

Also, they may need the item, regardless of price... but if you never offer. You never uncover the need.

You don't know where the buyer's mind or money is at.

Same with yambs... you approach top notch chicks cuz 1. You don't know where their mind is and 2. They don't get approached often or "offered game"
Another confidence boosting technique ...

Find a homey... good friend that lacks confidence like yourself.

Hit the club and say "ay bro. Go get on that"...

He will decline ... and you're going to wonder "why not? It's not that big a deal "

Once you.remove yourself from the fear, you see it for what it really is.... nothing.

Taking a step back and analyzing it on someone else shows you that it really is for nothing.

The reason why you're so blind is because you're dead smack in the middle of fear and have your eyes closed, kinda like a kid with monsters.

Once the kid sees some another kid with his eyes closed scared, then notices there's nothing to be scared of, it makes him more confident when he faces his own battles...
just go up to a girl and just tell her to "smile" and introduce yourself
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