***NT General Head Count!***.............Vol_Population Census.

Originally Posted by Jking0821

I am indeed here

hoping this post turns into just random gifs or pics to prove your presents

Originally Posted by VietStar

We're interested in seeing how many members are still in the General section of Niketalk.

So each member please enter and just post "Here" or "
"...etc. ONLY ONCE so we can get an accurate quantity of visitors that are still here.

Initially, NT has a bit over 80,000 members, but that number is no where near accurate due to "retirement" of some, multiple S/Ns, or just lack of visiting the site overall.

REMEMBER, post only once!...And PLEASE NO DOUBLE POSTS...JUST BE PATIENT, your post will appear!

Who is we?
Originally Posted by VietStar

We're interested in seeing how many members are still in the General section of Niketalk.

So each member please enter and just post "Here" or "
"...etc. ONLY ONCE so we can get an accurate quantity of visitors that are still here.

Initially, NT has a bit over 80,000 members, but that number is no where near accurate due to "retirement" of some, multiple S/Ns, or just lack of visiting the site overall.

REMEMBER, post only once!...And PLEASE NO DOUBLE POSTS...JUST BE PATIENT, your post will appear!

Who is we?
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