NT Ghost Adventures vol. Bored Summer Nights

Jun 5, 2004
One night, my boys and I were bored and got caught up in the Ghost Adventures hype which airs on the TravelChannel.
So we decided to go "ghost hunting" with a hand held camera using night vision.
We searched on google for local haunted places and decided to go to a park.
This was approximately 1 a.m. and NOBODY was at the park.
We sent one guy to do the investigating and we caught some audio on camera.
Fast forward to about the 1:55 mark and turn up your speakers.
It sounds like a little girl laughing right after the bell sound.

Also, a few weeks later, we talked to someone that worked there. And the story goes..a long time ago, there use to be campsheld at the park, and a little girl was locked in the gym's restroom as a prank by some of the kids. Nobody went looking for the girl until a few dayslater, and she died in the restroom.� He also told us that the equipment in the storage room is occasionally messed up. It would be perfectly fine when theylocked up at night, but when they open it up the next morning, it looks as if somebody robbed the place. The storage room is right next to the restroom too.

Could this be the girl on camera?� You be the judge.
Silly NT'ers thinking they ghost hunters..
I heard the laugh dude. That's pretty creepy. You should go back there and see wut else you can get.
^^an empty park at 1 AM.

If you compare the volume of my boy's voice with the laugh, it doesn't sound like its too far from him. I'd say 10ft max. Anyone can distinguish a laugh and a chihuahua barking

His response to it is pretty crazy too, he knew right away it was a laugh and ran for cover, hahaha.
it's around 1:58.before he starts to run. i heard it but it could've been anything.
i don't believe in ghosts so..
I always go on adventures and fail. I wanna get infared cameras, nightvision cameras, EMF detectors, and audio recorders
Originally Posted by frenchhustler19091

Dude took off as if the devil himself was after him....

For those that cant hear it...turn up your speakers, it's right after what sounds like a bell. You can hear clearly adistinct laughter.

I've listened to it over a million times and I cant figure out any explanations to what it might be besides aghost.
i remember one time in the rest stop in oregon, we decided to take a rest and it was about 4am. many cars around so i felt secure. so we go to the bathroom andi didnt need to use it so i stand outside alone just drinking some coke. im standing and it's all dark and peaceful. so we head back to the car and wesleep. like always, i can't sleep since it's boring and can't find any comfortable spot. from where we are parking, you can see the bathroomstraight across and there is only one light. out of no where i see a white figure pop out of the trees. it was so bright that it caught my attention. it waswearing an all white sleeping gown with long sleeves. you can't really see the face but it had long white hair. it was also walking so stiff like a robot.that was also what caught my attention, the way it was walking. i was so shock i couldn't believe it was a "white lady". i quickly woke mybrother and whispered to him "dude what is that? it's that a white lady?". he was suddenly shocked and he kept staring at it. so it reaches thebathroom and it turns to our direction. now it's walking straight to us. i duck and tell my brother get down stupid it's walking here. my brother justkeeps staring at her as she approaches. i'm like "dude get down!" as she reaches our car my brother finally ducks. we look up again, and it wasjust an old man in some kind white botton up and BLACK SLACKS! remember it was an all white lady i've seen. he didn't look at us because he was walkingdown the sidewalk already. i was like "#@$??????" all of a sudden hella people started leaving there cars and going to the restrooms. i was like" you %$%$# are crazy you're just walking out of your cars after a white lady walked on by?" then we leave and go to the restrooms again. i wasbrave since there were hella people out. we get back in the car and leave. my only mistake was to wake up and warn everyone. i would just tell my uncle forwardthe car on her and dip! i told everyone the story as we left and they believed us. hey i seen it with my own eyes and my brother as well. true story

cliff notes:
we go to a rest stop at 4am
we sleep and i spot a white lady
wake up my brother to go see
my brother is dumb for staring to long
white lady approaches as we duck
tranforms to an old man with white button up and slacks
old man walks away
we leave as everyone goes to the bathroom
i tell story to evryone in the car
i should of awaken everyone in the car whem i seen it
Actually, it doesnt sound like a bell to me. Does there happen to be a playground in this park? Sounds more like a swing moving.

Upon listening closely, it also sounds like a rusty moving gate or something. It also makes the same noise again slightly, after the laugh.
^ yah...it sounds like a swing hitting the pole. We didnt see a swing in sight though. My boy got this footage right in frontof the kid's jungle gym.
It was a laugh, the swing hitting the pole is after the laugh, this is around 3-4 seconds after the 1:55 mark.
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