NT gun owners, come on in and take a load off vol. Class III discussion

Originally Posted by CjMoney

LOL. $%* u gonna do with flashbangs? Use it on someone thats annoying you? toss it into the bathroom while they are on the can?
nah. I was gon use em for home defense. Most times outta none dudes don't break into ya crib dolo and I'm on some Clifford status w/my girl and my daughter in the house. Wouldn't want neither one of them gettin involved in some craziness if somebody was to break in.

That would be messed up tho w/ the bathroom, throw the flashbang, swoop in and take all the toilet paper while they dazed
Originally Posted by keepzdasneakz

I want that G18 with FMJ.

Have fun when the ATF raids your house looking for it. Those are illegal for civilian ownership.
Originally Posted by Dathbgboy

Originally Posted by CjMoney

LOL. $%* u gonna do with flashbangs? Use it on someone thats annoying you? toss it into the bathroom while they are on the can?

That would be messed up tho w/ the bathroom, throw the flashbang, swoop in and take all the toilet paper while they dazed
I know what I'm doing next April 1st
i heard about this already because a family friend owns an M-16
but i heard with an M-16 you have to pay a tax every year...
yup I knew this for a while now. I also know a couple people with suppressors here in Washington state. In WA, you can own but not use a suppressor. So, theyusually just drive down to Oregon or Idaho to go shooting and they can legally use the suppressors...

A couple stores here also sell suppressors...
Glock 23 owner, Glock 33 (.357
) owner and use for concealing, RRA AR-15A/4 with tactical mods owner, Kimber 1911 nickel plated owner. Have had a concealed weapons license for the past 3 years, living in FL

My pops has a fully auto Uzi he bought when he swung by Israel when he was in the Marines, but he never uses. I dont believe in restricting any type of gun,but I dont see any use in owning a fully automatic weapon. Real talk, suppressors dont make much of a difference unless you are out in the open.
Take it from me...the BEST info on the net involving Silencers and Class III info is SilencerTalk.com. Youhave to join, but it is free and is a wealth of knowledge on how to obtain such stuff. That is me in the pic below, and what you see is a Navy Special Warfarespec and US Special Forces spec Mark 12 Special Purpose medium to long range precision rifle. Also my Kimber 1911 with LAser Grips. Leupold Mark 4 Long rangescope and 5.11 Tactical Vest with a 4 count M-16/M4 Magazine pouch and 2 pistol magazine pouch.

Originally Posted by MECKS

i heard about this already because a family friend owns an M-16
but i heard with an M-16 you have to pay a tax every year...
Nah, it's just a one time fee for every item classified as class III
the BEST info on the net involving Silencers and Class III info is SilencerTalk.com.
Def gon look into that site. Good looks.

I might actually start lookin into an AR-15 soon to cop in the future, gotta do my research. I'm gon do a lil more in depth research on the flashbangs tosee what my chances are of gettin the sheriff to sign off on the form 4.

Wish BFO was still around, thread would be filled w/ a lot more knowledge than already posted
Flashbangs (noise flash diversion devices) are classified as explosive devices by ATF which strictly regulates their legitimate sale only to law enforcementagencies and the military.

Flash grenades will also deafen you at close range, as well as impair your sight. Before you ask, no, closing your eyes when you know it's gonna popisn't going to work.

I can't really see any place for these things in private hands. Far too much opportunity for error and/or accident, you most likey will set your house onfire.
Originally Posted by Seattle206

Flashbangs (noise flash diversion devices) are classified as explosive devices by ATF which strictly regulates their legitimate sale only to law enforcement agencies and the military.

Flash grenades will also deafen you at close range, as well as impair your sight. Before you ask, no, closing your eyes when you know it's gonna pop isn't going to work.

I can't really see any place for these things in private hands. Far too much opportunity for error and/or accident, you most likey will set your house on fire.
So.....I take it u didn't read the initial post and the info posted under it? U can legally own them after payin a $200 transfer fee afterbeing approved by the ATF and your local law enforcement
Yeah owning a class III firearm can be easy obtain where legal. This applies to full automatic weapons, heck if I lived in oregon I'd probably get an M60machine gun. Flash bangs are under a certain category of "Destructive Devices" which fall into the same category as grenades, rockets, and RPG's,to the ATF they are all the same.

btw, i know that flechette cartridges can be purchased via $200 stamp for the m203.
Originally Posted by Seattle206

Yeah owning a class III firearm can be easy obtain where legal. This applies to full automatic weapons, heck if I lived in oregon I'd probably get an M60 machine gun. Flash bangs are under a certain category of "Destructive Devices" which fall into the same category as grenades, rockets, and RPG's, to the ATF they are all the same.

btw, i know that flechette cartridges can be purchased via $200 stamp for the m203.
They are all considered class III and are legal in some states. U can either make em or purchase em. Now will the law enforcement allow it? Morethan likely no, but the ATF just wants a background check and $200 per item which aint bad considerin the high class they fall under.
One of my friends has a suppressor on a Beretta 9mm. Saw it once, haven't had a chance to fire it. Fairly easy to get, but a bit costly-about 500 for thesuppressor, 200 for the tax stamp, and 200 for the threaded barrel.

Here in CT, you can have semi-auto and full auto weapons, but you can't have one that does both (select fire). Doesn't make sense.

I was fortunate enough to fire a G18 a couple years ago-the rate of fire on that thing is crazy.
Originally Posted by keepzdasneakz

Damn....g18 is illegal. What about the Beretta 93R?
If it's select fire, 9/10, it's illegal and even if they weren't the price is dumb steep, I'm talkin the $20k range
Originally Posted by Dathbgboy

Originally Posted by MECKS

i heard about this already because a family friend owns an M-16
but i heard with an M-16 you have to pay a tax every year...
Nah, it's just a one time fee for every item classified as class III
the BEST info on the net involving Silencers and Class III info is SilencerTalk.com.
Def gon look into that site. Good looks.

I might actually start lookin into an AR-15 soon to cop in the future, gotta do my research. I'm gon do a lil more in depth research on the flashbangs to see what my chances are of gettin the sheriff to sign off on the form 4.

Wish BFO was still around, thread would be filled w/ a lot more knowledge than already posted

BFO was definitely the man when it comes to info, but now that is what I am here for. I did asix month tour in Iraq, and I supported the US SPecial Operations Command. I am bound by a non-disclosure agreement that is in effect for 70 YEARS so I cannotsay much, but what I can say is that I was working with and around the most Elite soldiers in the world ...ones that we all know about and the ones that areneither confirmed nore denied. The base we worked at didn't exist. I learned so much about weapons from them, from tactical vests, to knives, to weaponsaccesories, to the actual weapons themselvcs. That Mark12 spec in my photo is match grade and top of the line...it is a Special Operations weapon and I paid apretty penny for it...heck that scope alone cost over $1200, more than most people entire weapon.

So if you want info I can provide it, as it was provided to me by some of the best operators in the world.
I need to step my class III knowledge up. Sucks living in the state of WA, well at least better than Cali lol.

I might be picking up .50 Barret in a couple months for hitting those 1500+ meter targets. Got a 8k bonus from work and can't think of what to do with it,put it towards the new m5 or the .50 cal. Decisions...
I hear you Elder thanks for the info

I'm going to build an AR just buy the lower receiver

my wife is a combat arms instructor for the AF so her coworkers can get me a lot of accessories through dealers and what not.

you ever talk to any CCT or PJ's from the AF?
Originally Posted by Seattle206

I need to step my class III knowledge up. Sucks living in the state of WA, well at least better than Cali lol.

I might be picking up .50 Barret in a couple months for hitting those 1500+ meter targets. Got a 8k bonus from work and can't think of what to do with it, put it towards the new m5 or the .50 cal. Decisions...
If you want to hit at 1500 meters might I suggest the .338 Lapua Round. I know of an EXCELLENTplatform that gets rave reviews in the community and to top it off it is pretty compact. It only cost a fraction of the Barrett as well. The Barrett is more ofan anti-materiel platform than anti-personnel, though of course if it can penetrate a light armored Armored Personnel Carrier, imagine what it can do to ahuman. Let me know if you want that info.
Originally Posted by smoke ya later

I hear you Elder thanks for the info

I'm going to build an AR just buy the lower receiver

my wife is a combat arms instructor for the AF so her coworkers can get me a lot of accessories through dealers and what not.

you ever talk to any CCT or PJ's from the AF?

I knew of a few JTACS (basically CCT's) from the Air Force because they were attached to the SpecOpteams to guide munitions in from the F-16's, A-10's and the AC-130's. Those guys and the PJ's are some high speed dudes. They go through almostall the schools that the SEALs, Green Berets and Rangers do. People don't know much about them, but they are a HUGE asset in the SOCOM community. That isawesome what your wife does, and yes take advantage of those discounts.
Elder, please do share some insight on the .338 Lapua.

For the past year a friend and I have been comtemplating on purchasing a couple long range rifles for a few marksman classes. In the past I have taken a fewIDPA courses and for this coming summer I'm thinking of taking either a tactical carbine or the long marksman class. I've been debating on the 300 winmag, .338, or the .50BMG. I was actually about to pull the trigger on a barely used sako trg42 for an insane deal for $2200 but had to use my funds towardsother things. I also thought about the awsm but it carries a hefty price tag, for which I can get my Barrett 99a1 around the same price, would like the m82 buti'd have to take a loan out for that.

Always had a thing for the 50cal. I get goosebumps thinking of having a barrett in the closet.
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