NT Halloween ‘19 thread

Jan 5, 2013
Post your costumes, decorations of your homes, jack o lanterns, scary stories, etc.

First contribution - me and a home girl carved some jack o lanterns yesterday. :smokin

I (tried) carved pumpkins with my daughter tonight. I swear, every year I say I’m going to carve a badass pumpkin, but it ends up looking like a mess. It probably doesn’t help that I always buy those cheap carving kits every year lol. My pumpkin looks like “you” compared to yours that looks like “the guy she tells you not to worry about” ha.
I (tried) carved pumpkins with my daughter tonight. I swear, every year I say I’m going to carve a badass pumpkin, but it ends up looking like a mess. It probably doesn’t help that I always buy those cheap carving kits every year lol. My pumpkin looks like “you” compared to yours that looks like “the guy she tells you not to worry about” ha.

:lol: post that up my guy
Don’t really celebrate Halloween cause no trick or treaters are in my neighborhood anymore.
Everyone grew up :frown: my neighborhood used to be popping back in the early/mid 2000s
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