NT, Has Anyone Ever Gone to a Therapist?


formerly kod843
Aug 1, 2011
I was watching a Jay-Z interview recently and he was talking about how he went to go see a therapist.

From what I understand, a lot of successful people go to them. What's the pros for doing it? Any regrets?

Yes. After I had an anxiety attack, the school's health services recommended I see someone for six weeks. The sessions flew by. I felt like I had the weight of the world off of my shoulders when I was done.
Went to my college's psychologist back in school

Really just vented about my life, problems, etc. without the judgment -- stuff I wouldn't tell my family/friends

NT has become my therapist over the years -- don't know what I'd do without y'all, very grateful tbh
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take care of your mental health. if you have health insurance, it usually covers it. might have to pay your copay

therapist are there to listen, good way to get stuff out and not bottling it in
Seems like it's kind of a taboo subject within the black male community. Glad Hov spoke out on it.

I know some women who said they've gone after bad break ups.

My career and family life can get stressful sometimes so I've been considering finding one.
Seems like it's kind of a taboo subject within the black male community. Glad Hov spoke out on it.

I know some women who said they've gone after bad break ups.

My career and family life can get stressful sometimes so I've been considering finding one.

To be honest, its kinda taboo in general. Before i got diagnosed with PTSD and depression i always had that mindset of "you depressed? Stop being a *****, suck it up". Once i started going through that i realized its more to it than just "sucking it up".

Although it didn't necessarily work for me (for a number of reasons) it was good to talk to someone that didnt know me and was basically neutral. Like someone else mentioned, its good to get things off your chest cuz bottling it up is no good. Trust, youll eventually snap.
I went a couple months after the birth of my daughter. Me and my lady...**** went great. Just venting, I mean we talk at home but idk we let it out with the therapist. She let it all out about postpartum.

I wanna go solo. I’m bout to find out if my job covers it. I found it very helpful, relieving and actually dope.
I went for a while and still go occasionally. Feel like the biggest benefit was being able to air everything out because I keep my emotions completely bottled up. I always feel relieved immediately after but then my problems slowly creep back.

I should probably try a different therapist TBH.

It's hard taking time off from work though. If I had more free time I would definitely go more.
Yea that's my issue. I keep everything bottled up because at this point, I'm the backbone of my family.

I have 2 sons plus I had to take my Mom and nieces in. My sister has mental issues so my Mom had to get custody of her daughters.

It's definitely getting overwhelming, not to mention it's causing issues with my dating life. Most women can't handle that they'll probably be living with me for at least the next 2 years.

I'm definitely going to find one soon.
how much does one of these usually run? I already know if you got the money you can get an expensive therapist

but what about the regular guy just stumbling in one.. $150 hour?
Went to one for about a year when I had a major depressive episode/worsening anxiety. It honestly didn't do much to help either of those problems, but I was in a bad state back then. Only thing that really helped was meds.

However, it was great to have a non-biased third party to talk to about things going on in my life. I could let off some steam, talk about my personal problems, and the dude would tell me when he thought I was right and when he thought I was bugging.

I've dabbled with the thought of going back as of late. I've got a lot of stuff going on in my life at the moment (big career transition, possible relocation, relationship issues, etc.) and it would be nice to have a person to help me work through these issues that wasn't a friend, family member, or a group of dudes on the internet demanding pics. :lol:
Yea that's my issue. I keep everything bottled up because at this point, I'm the backbone of my family.

I have 2 sons plus I had to take my Mom and nieces in. My sister has mental issues so my Mom had to get custody of her daughters.

It's definitely getting overwhelming, not to mention it's causing issues with my dating life. Most women can't handle that they'll probably be living with me for at least the next 2 years.

I'm definitely going to find one soon.

Yeah man, you have a lot on your plate. Completely understandable that you'd want to get things off your chest.

You taking your family in is commendable as well :nthat:
Yea that's my issue. I keep everything bottled up because at this point, I'm the backbone of my family.

I have 2 sons plus I had to take my Mom and nieces in. My sister has mental issues so my Mom had to get custody of her daughters.

It's definitely getting overwhelming, not to mention it's causing issues with my dating life. Most women can't handle that they'll probably be living with me for at least the next 2 years.

I'm definitely going to find one soon.
Yeah you sound like you're the perfect candidate. I could definitely see it being of benefit for someone in your situation.
Probably worth looking into coping skills too as corny as it may sound.

Stress ball
self-massage (no fap)
Long walks outdoors

...stuff that distracts you temporarily from your issues.
I just checked my health insurance at work.

The only in-network psychiatrists/therapists are bums (bad reviews for both).
Very disappointing considering I'm in NYC.
ahat ahat is it too personal to ask why didn't it work for you?

Feel like it was partly me not putting enough effort and also the therapist not being the right one for me. I mean she was nice but she just didnt really understand where im coming from. After a while i felt like it was a waste of time going.
u know
if sidekicks and multiple wives
were acceptable in society
i think the need for therapy would shrink drastically
crazy how much stress u relieve after an orgasm
or not having to hear nagging in ur ear
yup. no shame in going to get mental health clarity and improvement.
I have. Needed to go because the girl I was going to marry ended it abruptly and that just literally devastated me emotionally. Only so much friends and family can do. I needed to talk to someone "non-judgemental" and it helped tremendously. Went for about a month or so and when I felt better I stopped. There is a stigma attached to seeing a therapist, where people feel ashamed or have too much pride knowing they need help in some way or form.
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