NT, help me figure this life/death thing out


Apr 23, 2008
Every aspect of life is pretty much subjective. Happiness to a man in N. Korea may differ to that of a man in Nova Scotia. Some people follow religion thatputs an emphasis on after life, while others believe in reincarnation. Everything we hold to be true may just be a matter of the cultures we've beenbrought up in.

So here's my question, NT; What happens afterwards? We die and then what? Will the next plane just be an actualization of the perceptions we had when wewere alive?

My thing is this. No one knows what's next, so why do we delude ourselves into believing that we do? Lately, the religion thing has been on my mind, but noone can convince me to live by one. It puzzles me that people blindly follow something when nothing about it is 100% certain. So NT, help me out here.
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Please note that I didn't mention any specific religions, so to those of you who are indeed religious, don't come in assuming I'm taking jabs at your beliefs.
Originally Posted by iBlink

Every aspect of life is pretty much subjective. Happiness to a man in N. Korea may differ to that of a man in Nova Scotia. Some people follow religion that puts an emphasis on after life, while others believe in reincarnation. Everything we hold to be true may just be a matter of the cultures we've been brought up in.

So here's my question, NT; What happens afterwards? We die and then what? Will the next plane just be an actualization of the perceptions we had when we were alive?

My thing is this. No one knows what's next, so why do we delude ourselves into believing that we do? Lately, the religion thing has been on my mind, but no one can convince me to live by one. It puzzles me that people blindly follow something when nothing about it is 100% certain. So NT, help me out here.
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Please note that I didn't mention any specific religions, so to those of you who are indeed religious, don't come in assuming I'm taking jabs at your beliefs.

We delude ourselves into beliveing that we know what comes "after" because for the most part people are actually scared of not knowing so they willtell themselves that they are going to make it into heaven or w/e you want to call it. Some use religion to give them a hope of a holy place to go after wepass on, but all in all nobody has any clue as to what happens next.
personally i belive that when we pass on we will live in a reality we construct for ourselves, so essentially what we belive will happen when we die is wherewe will go.

As to your questions of knowing where we go after we die is really unanswerable, no amount of science or religion can tell us for sure where we go or whathappens. Hell for all we know we could be living in the matrix and life is nothing more than being in a water filled container with images projected to ourminds.
Originally Posted by iBlink

It puzzles me that people blindly follow something when nothing about it is 100% certain.
That's faith... The ability to believe that following God will bring you happiness in heaven forever without needing proof.
So we're just merely going to believe?

That's the thing, what if the belief is wrong? No one knows for certain if it's right... so why live your life abiding by a group of guidelines setforth by a given religion if it isn't absolute?

I'm not trying to down anyone's belief. I'm trying to find something that I believe in. I think there's a God out there, but not theway the masses believe him to be.
Don't worry about what the masses believe than. Just live your life according to what YOU believe is right or wrong.
I think when you die you just die. Nothing more nothing less. I agree with addicted you need faith. When you have faith you "know" what is goiing tohappen.
So then I'd be living in a world with people whom I think have it all wrong
Why try to make someone believe what you believe though? We are all individuals and unique, so we should all have our own individual beliefs and perspectiveson life.
That's true, that's why you shouldn't force your beliefs on anyone. But if you believe that what you believe can benefit someone else then why not.





If Heaven doesn't exist, I hope I'm in a permanent dream state where I'm in full control.
Originally Posted by retrospect90

I think when you die you just die. Nothing more nothing less. I agree with addicted you need faith. When you have faith you "know" what is goiing to happen.
^^..so with your explanation, its like i go to sleep and dont wake up..^^

**i used to be a fairly avid follower of the Lutheran Church, was brought up in church, went to a Lutheran grade school and middle school.. but the older igot, the harder it was for me to believe in this one specific being that controlled everything that happened to us. im not saying i dont believe in anything,but i have trouble believing what the Lutheran/Christian/Catholic church puts into our heads. i believe there is a higher being and that their is an afterlife, but thats something i cant find out until i get there.

i live my life to live my life. i have fun and do what i please, i make sure the people i care about know i care about them because that is what i believe isimportant in this life. i cant justify myself living for a being i cant see or talk to.. i know the church would say you can talk to God in prayer or i can seeGod if i really believe.. i REALLY believed for the first 15 years of my life and i had no conversation and didnt see anybody. but again, i do believe there isa being, but i dont think i should have to live to prove myself to this being, im living my life for the ones i love! i have however been known to say a prayeror two, in times when i dont have anyone to talk to.. i know it seems a bit hypocritical, but its just one of those things from your childhood that can comfortyou, im sure some of you have things like that NT..**
DAYTONA 5000 wrote:
Why try to make someone believe what you believe though? We are all individuals and unique, so we should all have our own individual beliefs and perspectives on life.

If that were the case, there'd be no such thing as organized religion.
Originally Posted by BoilerUp1987

Originally Posted by retrospect90

I think when you die you just die. Nothing more nothing less. I agree with addicted you need faith. When you have faith you "know" what is goiing to happen.
^^..so with your explanation, its like i go to sleep and dont wake up..^^

**i used to be a fairly avid follower of the Lutheran Church, was brought up in church, went to a Lutheran grade school and middle school.. but the older i got, the harder it was for me to believe in this one specific being that controlled everything that happened to us. im not saying i dont believe in anything, but i have trouble believing what the Lutheran/Christian/Catholic church puts into our heads. i believe there is a higher being and that their is an after life, but thats something i cant find out until i get there.

i live my life to live my life. i have fun and do what i please, i make sure the people i care about know i care about them because that is what i believe is important in this life. i cant justify myself living for a being i cant see or talk to.. i know the church would say you can talk to God in prayer or i can see God if i really believe.. i REALLY believed for the first 15 years of my life and i had no conversation and didnt see anybody. but again, i do believe there is a being, but i dont think i should have to live to prove myself to this being, im living my life for the ones i love! i have however been known to say a prayer or two, in times when i dont have anyone to talk to.. i know it seems a bit hypocritical, but its just one of those things from your childhood that can comfort you, im sure some of you have things like that NT..**
yea, I don't believe in an afterlife, hell, reincarnation, anything like that.
Originally Posted by iBlink

Every aspect of life is pretty much subjective. Happiness to a man in N. Korea may differ to that of a man in Nova Scotia. Some people follow religion that puts an emphasis on after life, while others believe in reincarnation. Everything we hold to be true may just be a matter of the cultures we've been brought up in.

So here's my question, NT; What happens afterwards? We die and then what? Will the next plane just be an actualization of the perceptions we had when we were alive?

My thing is this. No one knows what's next, so why do we delude ourselves into believing that we do? Lately, the religion thing has been on my mind, but no one can convince me to live by one. It puzzles me that people blindly follow something when nothing about it is 100% certain. So NT, help me out here.
Spoiler [+]
Please note that I didn't mention any specific religions, so to those of you who are indeed religious, don't come in assuming I'm taking jabs at your beliefs.
Faith and hope. That's all "religion" is. I hope and have faith in what I believe mainly because it's always been my unquestionable reality. In my view, there IS a God who has a sonthat died on a cross for my salvation. No one could make me believe otherwise, though I understand that many people think this is foolish. Other people practice Wicca, sorcery, satanism, Buddhism, Taoism, Islam, or what have you. It is what it is. I'm not gonnapass judgment or tell them they're wrong because that's their reality and their believes are as real to them as mine are to me. Secondly, it gives me satisfaction(or satiates my fears, either way...) to believe in more than the here and now. I'm not gonna justify my beliefsor discredit any others. They're all just matrices anyway, word to The Matrix. It's the belief in the reality of the afterlife that makes it real inthe first place. But I'm comfortably plugged into my Christianity and see very little reason to search for answers I really don't care to know. I'mcontent to be a good, yet admittedly cynical Christian. And if I'm wrong about the beliefs I chose, oh well. We can't all be right anyway....
Originally Posted by iBlink

So we're just merely going to believe?

That's the thing, what if the belief is wrong? No one knows for certain if it's right... so why live your life abiding by a group of guidelines set forth by a given religion if it isn't absolute?

I'm not trying to down anyone's belief. I'm trying to find something that I believe in. I think there's a God out there, but not the way the masses believe him to be.
Simply put: We need things to believe in, true or not, otherwise what is the point of it all? It's the basis of all of our lives.
Originally Posted by ArsnalJ23

Originally Posted by iBlink

So we're just merely going to believe?

That's the thing, what if the belief is wrong? No one knows for certain if it's right... so why live your life abiding by a group of guidelines set forth by a given religion if it isn't absolute?

I'm not trying to down anyone's belief. I'm trying to find something that I believe in. I think there's a God out there, but not the way the masses believe him to be.
Simply put: We need things to believe in, true or not, otherwise what is the point of it all? It's the basis of all of our lives.
Basically. I.E. this concept of"True Love".... the religion of the living, as opposed to those that focus on the afterlife.
i will say... almost all monotheistic religions are ripped off from Egyptian ideals... we are living in a time of great ignorance (remembering ignorancedoesn't mean stupid, it simply means things are being ignored) i honestly can't believe people follow set religions these days, the knowledge is outthere.... organized religion was created to control and to manipulate the people. and if you don't understand that, go take a history class. we tend toonly look a few hundred years back.....go thousands.....

what they've crammed down our throats in the western world is absurd and saddening.
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