NT help me with some BIG words!

Nov 8, 2007
OK i'm trying broaden my vocabulary so I can seem more intelligent but the "big" words that I use are not that big, such as inadequate,discombobilate, etc.

So post some new ones.
Just start carrying around a thesaurus and reference it whenever you feel the need to add a big word into your conversations.

Big words doesn't always equal intelligence though.
yeah dude hit the nail on the head with freerice.com 10-15 minutes a day will smarten you up quick
This is kinda sad...but ima give my imput. Pick up a book. Just studying big words is not gone help. When u read on the regular...u will understand how andwhen to use certain words. But I respect you for even trying to get your vocabulary up. Get a thesaurus and a dictionary. Anytime you hear a new word.. Weatherin a song or convo... look it up! But get on it! Asap! Much respect tho man... 4reals !
just replace most of your regular words with formal words
example just say attire instead of clothes and use words like behavior and etiquette
so the words you use are not to vivacious for everyday conversation. you digg
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