NT How Can I Make Myself Less Intimidating to Strangers; Why Are People So Scared of Me

I found you!!!

j/k man

Just try shaving the goatee/facial hair and see how much differently people react to you. If it doesn't make a difference, eff it, grow it back and justshow people that you're a nice person with your personality. If you catch someone in a line that looks back at you, try to make eye contact and say"how you doin?" or sumtin' like that. Clearly you're tired of it. I guess it's your gift and your curse. I kinda fall in the middle.I'm a cool dude. I can get hot-headed at times but not often. But people percieve me as this serious dude.
I feel your pain, as a 6'4", 237 black man with a beard that wants 2 be a sunni when it grows up who usually chooses 2 adorn himselfin...um...'traditional hood garb'...I see females clutch they purses 2 they bosom all the time...I've even seen folk cross the street in order not2 walk past me...I just accept it. I'm a pretty nice guy, but its whateva, if they wanna fear me 4 no apparent reason, that's on them.
I kno y u have that problem.. ur ugly.

Naw I'm jk. People seem to be intimated by me too I guess its cause I never smile.
I never even mentioned my deep raspy voice, but again, that's something I have very little control over and don't think I care enough toalways tru to change my voice when talking to people though I'll do it sometimes.

ANd yea this post is mostly about females. I couldn't care less if dudes feel comfortable around me or not. I've heard the same thing before about afemale saying she would come approach me but she thought I was probably mean, plus she said I seem obsessed with my phone which I couldn't even argue thatone really.
I'm sure it's been said....but you really have to get over being shy.
initiate the conversation between the people you interact with and dispel their pre-conceived notions about you.
approaching people with a smile can go a long way.

what does your natural resting face look like?...are you scowling? I know that when I walk around...I've been told I look angry.
You're going to have to post your pic so we can really figure out what it is though bro, in all seriousness
Just cut my beard off for the first time in like 10 yrs. I guess I look friendlier, the baby face (I left some scragglies on the chin) certainly makes me lookyounger. I look like someone just starting to grow a beard for the first time, but I'm still big so it's like I look like an above average sizedteenager
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