NT how do you get most of your women?

Dec 29, 2006
Are you the aggresive type? Chill type? I'm normally don't approach women too often...I get 80 percent of my femalesa by them initiating contact withme. I need to step my game up for 09....any tips?
NT and most
Originally Posted by iwhohavenothing

Are you the aggresive type? Chill type? I'm normally don't approach women too often...I get 80 percent of my femalesa by them initiating contact with me. I need to step my game up for 09....any tips?
you gotta stop caring if you get rejected or not. once that happens it become as easy as taking candy from a baby
Usually you just approach them like any other person, keep convo going, make em laugh here and there, show the charm, and BAM you in there.
Ill just create small talk and go from there.... soon as he buy that wine/ I just creep up from behind/ Ask you what your intrests are/ Who you be with it/Things that make you smile/
Just be confident and don't be afraid of rejection. Its gonna happen to the best of us. Also you can't be ugly. And if you are ugly know your standardsand stick to them. Don't go hitting on a model chick if you're over there lookin like Rocky Dennis
jus play it cool if they are interested they will come at you if not atleast you didnt put yourself out there as overely (sp?) thirsty
Originally Posted by CreekShow

Just be confident and don't be afraid of rejection. Its gonna happen to the best of us. Also you can't be ugly. And if you are ugly know your standards and stick to them. Don't go hitting on a model chick if you're over there lookin like Rocky Dennis
Thats not necessarily true
Originally Posted by CreekShow

Just be confident and don't be afraid of rejection. Its gonna happen to the best of us. Also you can't be ugly. And if you are ugly know your standards and stick to them. Don't go hitting on a model chick if you're over there lookin like Rocky Dennis
You were going good until you got to the ugly part. I have seen ghastly looking dudes with the finest girls. Just because your "ugly"does not mean you have to stick to a lower standard..Thats something someone with low self esteem would think...hmmm...
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