NT..how do you stash away(save) money

Dec 29, 2006
I swear
it almost feels like I'm a dog chasing my tail...and ill never catch it. I just can't seem to clamp down and put away some cash....I wantto start now before I'm like 36 with less than 36 bucks in the bank
(scary thing is I know more than a few like that)
inside da toilet, im saving up to buy me a set a glasshouse 4z soon. since i put it in my toilet i dont go back and take out of it i just add to it. to save upyou got to have self control. even when im broke and need a little bit of money i dont touch it i just stay broke til i get more cash.
Just put the money in the Savings Account and don't touch that money, and only touch the money in the Checking Account. Thats how I do it.
I hate the keep the change program
....they make more money off your pos(point of sale purchase) than you stashing away your change and that bs match theydo.
easy for me cause materialistic things don't interest me

I'm bout owning properties and traveling not worthless shoes and electronics
give it to someone you trust to hold, learn to have self control, i save all the money i get only spend 70 for my cell phone bill, it stacks up quick.
thats why i just made a thread on online savings. im thinking about opening a ING account.
i dont everytime i have a stack or 2............somebody post a 30-50% off sell on here and %*$+ me all up
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