NT I am feeling a little bit jaded

Girls are corny bro. After 3 years, she probably just wanted to know if she could still have you..or if you still wanted her, I'm pretty sure she got her answer. The head game girls play are confusing to us, but the fact that she's playing them in the first place, says she's confused as !%#! too. Forget about that girl bro seriously. I'm 24 and I've come to a personal conclusion about women, and I'll share it with you fam: As cliche as this may sound, it's the truest advice I can give right now. In relationships, there is always one who cares more, is willing to put up with more, gets used, treated like unfairly, etc. If a girl senses your feelings for her are too strong, she will ALWAYS use this to her advantage, and you will always get hurt.  DON'T EVER SWEAT ANY GIRL. The question you must ask yourself is this: Is she the catch or am I the catch?? If she's the catch, you risk coming off as a simp because you feel as though she's out of your league anyway so you might as well give her all you got, right? WRONG. Don't even put yourself in that situation. Girls are man-eaters who will intentionally or unintentionally (usually intentionally) smash your heart into minced meat if given the chance, so never give them that chance. Guard your feelings and insecurities like its your soc. security #... once a girl knows that she's the catch or that you need her more than she needs you.. IT'S OVER. Unfortunately, when it comes to relations with women these days it's either kill or be killed, eat or be eaten. Be the predator not the prey. Step your game up to new levels, so you appear to be the "catch" and not the other way round bro... All girls are evil, but if they are too busy trying to impress you or get you to notice them, they wont even have the time to do any grimey ##!+ because she'll be too busy singing "I wish you were mine"... and I'm out.
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