NT....I got Debo'd last night.....by a .........

she hit you and you didnt hit her? damn..

a wise man once told me.. "If she wants to act like a man, she deserves to get treated like a man"
Originally Posted by trey ohh five

By a woman?

she was big, like Mayor used to be...and what am I supposed to do? I'm at a club and a femalebouncer sucker punches me......i just found out she is a Lesbian...hence her anger towards me...I just want the money for my suit and shirt....I'm thinkingsmall claims court
Originally Posted by Durden7

Thats it?

You can't see it, my lip, on the inside was split in two...its deep as hell....I'm headed toa clinic right now, just so I have it on paper
Originally Posted by Name I Koop

Originally Posted by trey ohh five

By a woman?

she was big, like Mayor used to be...and what am I supposed to do? I'm at a club and a female bouncer sucker punches me......i just found out she is a Lesbian...hence her anger towards me...I just want the money for my suit and shirt....I'm thinking small claims court

Enough talking, where's her facebook pic at?

Originally Posted by Name I Koop

Originally Posted by KayCurrency

A, Real talk...you sound lame as hell... just let that %$$! heal and move on....

why do you think I care about what you think?

Just my opninion...take it with a grain of salt...
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