NT I hate shaving. Vol Razor Bumps burn or whatever

I resort to clippers/beard trimmer. I can't even use the lowest setting it offers because it irritates me. My skin is very sensitive and when I used to shave, it would cause me to break out. Now I just keep a shadow around. If I were to shave when neccessary, I'd have to shave every day, or every other day at least. I'm like wolf man after a week.
yeah this is what i do...i just use the sideburn trimmer to do my cheeks and chin. i use an actual razor on the mustache area and neck. but mycheeks and jaw line get irritated easily when i use a razor.
Just get an electric shaver. And if your going to use nair make sure it isn't the one for body hair.
The 4 sharp blades are probably too much for your face to handle

That shh is five blades!
Completely unnecessary. I got one free and used it for like a month and hated it, so now I always just use my Mach3. Never hadproblems with that one, and it gives me a consistently great shave. I use it with the Aveeno shave gel and I get an amazing shave damn near every time, unlessI mess it up myself.
The Art of shaving products are pretty good but there are better and cheaper ones out there. You should start by checking out shavemyface.com. It is full ofinformation on shaving supplies and technique related to wetshaving. I currently us a badger hair shaving brush, a good shaving cream (not the crap from acan), a double edge safety razor, and a good aftershave lotion. It takes a little time to get used to the safety razor, but it is well worth it. I get thecloset non-irritating shaves I have ever had in my life. Check it out, next thing you know you will be patrolling the forums over there looking for the bestrazor blades and creams instead of shoes. Also, read this article about wetshaving http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/6886845/
razors are the worst.
use electric blade. theres no pain! yea it doesn't get that close. but NO irritation>burning face
Cant stress this enough go to www.artofshaving.com ..its costly but it DOES work PERFECTLY ...and do not use anything with alcohol against the face,use naturalstuff like raw shea butter...but im african american so it might be different for yall if your not ..
I'm black, and it matters.

I use this Khiel's Blue "herbal lotion" right after I shave, then hit it with Gillette aftershave gel a few minutes later. Also, I just switchedto the Fusion but I think it might shave too close... that's after using the mach 3 for about 2 years. Good luck homie.
i used to have really bad ingrowns from shaving, but now i just use the andis t-outliner. not as close as shaving but its good enough and keeps my face in good shape.

andis is all i use every 4-5 days anything else gives me the nestle crunch bar look
You probly gotta use new blades everytime... that's what I do and I get no more bumps... the blades probly dirty
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