Nt I have a slight but very non serious dilemma(gucci!)

im just going out on a limb here but maybe it has something to do with you saying "gucci" all the time like you are gucci mayne. If you say that outloud, i would be surprised if you ever get to smash anything again.
Originally Posted by Pmighty

Originally Posted by Mangudai954

First off YNSH. Second, do you think its coiencidence she's "all of a sudden" calling you? Forget about getting with her, its obvious she's made her mind up and you've been friendzoned.

really?? i guess thats why i didnt know what was goin on, i never had this happen. after a while if i dont hit i move on but for some reason i stuck aroun and got "friendzoned??" how did this happen

I think she made her mind up a while ago. jmo though..
I think she's bored and just wants a dude she's cool with to kick it with.
I don't feel like she's any more willing to smash then she was in Sep-Oct.
She seems like she's just stringing you along because she knows the interest is
there. I would say leave her alone cuz you might end up investing more time
and and money and end up with the same result.
Originally Posted by QueenCitySneakerQueen

Let her see you with another chick

best thing to do. talk and flirt with multiple chix if possible. works like charm
^why does erryone ask that lol? Is it really that out of the norm for someone to have somethin they jus say w/no real reason behind it.like why do people sayyo,why does ant put df in all of his post? Its jus one of those things And to dude who said hed be surprised if I smash anything sayin GUCCI! that's cooIfeel you,but chicks dig it tho and after theyre aroun long enough they end up sayin it once or twice so... But I do appreciate all the advice and comments nt
Aey P, I $%!$@ w/ u but if u post 1 more time w/o pics. I'm gon come to whereever u at in the Burgh and son u.
Aey P, I $%!$@ w/ u but if u post 1 more time w/o pics. I'm gon come to whereever u at in the Burgh and son u.

thats coo. but this city is too small + shes from aheavily populated nt area so thats a double negative
its like somebodysalmost guaranteed to know her and ive witnessed to many casualties/horror stories to become the latest
ever tried to get her drunk??? you should try that one, cuz nothing else is working!
Originally Posted by eight2one

ever tried to get her drunk??? you should try that one, cuz nothing else is working!
yea i know and ive tried EVERYTHING

but the 1st night we chilled we were both hammered. then at like 12 shes says take me home im tired. im like
its only 12 are you serious
?? shes like yea i got to get uptomorrow. i took her home, parked, tried to get it smackin in the ride but she wasnt takin it past kissin
and didnt invite me in so
that was the 1st L of many to come(w/her at least)
I might know her hahaha, where's she from?

But she's just tryin' to weasel a Valentine's Day gift out of you fam, don't fall for it. If you've been talkin' to her sinceSeptember-October and she isn't coughin' it up, you might as well quit for good. I mean, sure you could be cool with her and what not, but it'sobvious she's a chump and she's just tryin' to run it.

What's her first name and where is she from if you don't mind me askin'...
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