NT: I just watched The Notebook...

nt og

Sep 28, 2004
unknowingly.. and I thought it was a good movie. i've always heard the jokes about it, but i've never seen it. How feminine am I?
nothing wrong with a guy watching it, you ain't feminine.

But yeah it's a good flick, two main actors did a great job in it.
I did watch it alone...under the covers...

It was showing on CBS and I saw rachel mcadams and kept on watching..

they never said what the title was!!!
wifey been trying to get me to watch this movie with her since it cameout. i just give her a
and keep it moving
yo the notebook is mad good movie. i watched it on cbs last night too, lady loves it. Chick flick or not its a good movie to have in your dvd collection.
when i watched it, it was with a girl but i thought it was good.
it was sad at some points but yea, pretty good.
Movie's hella good... One of my favorites all time... Yes I said it... One of my favorites all time...
Movie kinda annoys me because it's one that so many guys have come out and been like "yo it's actually pretty good", as though a love storycouldn't be a good movie.. it's really not that great, but for some reason it's become this phenom with guys as they've all grouped together totell themselves it's okay to like this one "chick flick"... i dunno, seems like it was a deal everybody made so they wouldn't have to feel soinsecure or something.. i like plenty of sad, "chick flick"movies.. this one isn't nearly the best of the bunch.
Were you supposed to know that the old people were telling a story about their young selves from the beginning? Or was it supposed to be a surprise?
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