NT, I need ideas for a reasonably priced wedding gift...

Jan 13, 2003
I'm going to a friends wedding next month and I just remembered that I have to get them a gift

Anyone have any good ideas? Multiple ideas would help, I have another wedding to attend in December.

(For the record, he's not that close of a friend, but he's a good dude and his fiance is nice too so I'm going... he's the brother in law of aformer female friend.)
2 bills is standard for me
amount goes up the closer the couple is to me.

but then I'm in the Northeast... Weddings are ridic here.
Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

2 bills is standard for me
amount goes up the closer the couple is to me.

but then I'm in the Northeast... Weddings are ridic here.
Somebody's caking
OP i thought ur SN had anal in it..lol

idk never been to a wedding..that registry thing is ur best bet.
Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

2 bills is standard for me
amount goes up the closer the couple is to me.

but then I'm in the Northeast... Weddings are ridic here.
This is what I usually do but recently I've been hearing that giving money is tacky... I don't see why (especially in this economy) butehh.
Originally Posted by Dirtylicious


eh. not in my book.
I'd prefer the money too... most couples I know do too
Yep my mom just got married and most of the gifts was cash.
Cash. If you have graduated from college and have a job, $125 for every person you bring (including you). You and a date = $250

You can always go on their registry and buy them stuff as well.
Yea the last wedding I went to last year I did $150 per person, the registry route is nice but its lazy if you ask me. I'd rather come up with somethingoriginal...
gotta remember to add Dirty and HOVkid to my invite list

but yea in general Cash is always king....trust im getting married and ready to register at Bank Of America...we dont need anymore picture frames or toasters

a nice card and a check will always be appreciated...as far as amounts it depends on relationship to the people and the type of wedding...you want to coveryour plate(s) then add a little something on top
Originally Posted by Kingtre

a nice card and a check will always be appreciated...as far as amounts it depends on relationship to the people and the type of wedding...you want to cover your plate(s) then add a little something on top
A check is questionable though. At least cash is guaranteed to not bounce
My dude - if you're a man, you give cash. You might not even give a card in many cases - but it's probably safer to get a card with it, so itdoesn't mysteriously disappear off the gift table or something.

But yeah.. i'm not dirty-balin for 200 bones on a wedding gift quite yet... he getting that super-mod money i guess.
Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

2 bills is standard for me
amount goes up the closer the couple is to me.

but then I'm in the Northeast... Weddings are ridic here.
Damn dude, I should have extended a courtesy invite to you.

We registered at Macy's and Bed Bath and Beyond (should have done crate and barrel in retrospect). We didn't have too many things on our registry, afair amount, but you know. Would have loved/preferred cash, especially with our honeymoon. What did we get instead? I think we set the freaking record ongift cards. Like $3k.

Don't get me wrong, I'm thrilled that people got us stuff (since there were some atendees who didn't even bother with a card)...but like just giveme a $20 bill.

My thoughts -
I give money, especially if I know them and their future plans unless they have registered for something extremely dope that no one else has gotten them. Ifyou know them or you're real tight with them, then think outside the box.
My best friends parents got something for us that is awesome that we didn't register for. And my bestfriend and his gf got us a camcorder for our trip.

I'm now broke so $50 or $100 minimums depending on whose wedding.
lol. You're in CA though, Lazy.
You don't know how weddings the weddings are here until you've lived in the NYC Tri-State and attend a bunch.

and don't even get me started on Indian weddings...

3K in Bed Bath GCs though?

Ask them where they're registered and buy something from there. I think cash would be fine too though. It really depends on the type of wedding receptionthey're going to have and how well you know the couple. I didn't find out until recently that even if you get a wedding invitation and don't attendthe wedding you're still expected to send a gift.


Also, you have until one year after the wedding to send your gift to the couple.
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