NT, i need some life advice..

sucks to be in that position though. on the real, what you just explained though...as in how you felt, don't tell us that, tell that to your mom...let herknow how you feel.
Oh, man.

Something you should learn, and you're young enough to try to put a lid on it before you get old like my brother (35) and resent your mother for the exactthing that you're saying. I think parents are some of the only people that truly cut us down if we let them. I'm sure your mother loves you and youlove her. We always expect them to be perfect and to respond to us the way WE want them to because they should love us unconditionally...but that doesn'thappen all the time. They are human and they are people just like us. Always respect her as your mother but never forget that she's a person.

Start living your life for you and don't let the way she receives you or responds to you undermine any of your positive achievements. One day you mightimpress her and she'll give you the praise you deserve, it may NEVER happen. If you're a good kid and you know that, don't let anyone change that.It's a great way to be...stay that way. You can't live your life to impress her. You're the only one that has to live in your skin. That's YOURmind...don't let anybody else drive you crazy. It's hard to block out but...you gotta do you.

Right now understand that if you're in her house, it's her way...or the highway (as you see). Until you can afford to get out and stay out, that'ssomething you're just gonna have to learn to swim through. Try not to let her get you to a boiling point. That will never end well. You know what she'sabout and what sets her off. If she's anything like my mom, she's gonna run around like a nutbag regardless of what's going on.
My mom, I loveher...but she's a drama queen. Sometimes you just gotta let her storm through and get it out of her system. If you don't feed into it, she's justgonna drive herself nuts...not you.

Apologize to her AND your stepdad and try to tread lightly if you have to be at home. Tell her what you told us... and best of luck to you.
Originally Posted by ThizzBaby

^ i feel what your saying about my real dad man, but I've tried to talk to him and he's pulling the "its my life i can do what i want" he's alienated the whole family because he doesn't want to hear what anytone has to say... I've really tried with him, just to let him no i don't aprove of anything he's doing, and dude really doesn't care...
I got an uncle that is about to die right now from being an alcoholic. He actually quit for awhile when I asked him too. But he got right back on.He's 56 and has Scerosis of the liver. I was disappointed too, because I truly believe people can change. But I have accepted besides the drinking, myuncle is a good dude. Some people just fall into their habits, and I can't stop a man from drinking for 30 years. All you can do is show them you love themeven when times are rough. He's alienated by his own kids too. Trust me, I understand some hard headed people, deep down he might not show it, but he lovesyou. I hope everything is alright with you though. With your situation, you just better make some contacts with your friends and let them know what's upwith your situation, in case you get kicked out the house. If not, look in the newspapers or craigslist for people renting out rooms. It be sad to hear youbecome homeless. You don't sound like a dude that would let that happen, but just in case . Good luck man
yes RKO, i love my moms more than anything/anyone/any entity. lol

and i feel the same way town, shoot if your old and still doing irresponsible things that's just how you are. you aren't going to change for anybodybut yourself. its just said we lost my grandfather to what your uncle has.... he killed his liver, and finally stopped drinking once he got cancer. ended uppassing later on, but he changed after his operation and the recovery. we had 2 more years with him before complications.

just stay on your uncles !#% about it. because if he's gonna go, he's gonna go. spend time with him, cuzz u really don't know how much time youhave left with something that serious.

and yes, I'm motivated as hell. i grew up in the hood, and I'm the first from my fam to actually do big things (school wise) so I'm gonna dowhatever it takes to make it yo. whatever it takes....

just a little update, I'm probably going home on monday, have to talk to my moms about treating me a little more respectfuly. I'm not 7 anymore for herto be telling me when to eat and stuff u know? I'm staying at my grandparents. going to move my shoes to my homies house and store them there...
Originally Posted by FromThaTown

I think what you might have to do is holla at one of your boys or friends that might let you stay at their place for a minute for you to get on your feet. Your 1st option is to just hang in there with your parents. And everytime she keeps going off on you, just be quiet after the fact she keeps going on. Maybe, that, will make your mom think after what she has said to you and feel guilty. Some people are just like that and they need to let off their steam, and then they cool down and reflect. If all else fails, you need to move out and see if one of your boys got a place for u. You should try to see if you can rent out a room for a cheap price. With tough times like this, I know you can probably get rent out a room for 300 to 500, to help somebody else pay for their morgage. I'm just saying all of this cause it sounds like you got some money stacked up. All I know is this is a Down part in your life. Watch when you're 24 or 25, you're gonna sit down with your mom and talk about this and laugh. It sounds like you and your mom got good communication. If you given all you got, then there is no regrets. You need to be making moves right now. Never know when you might get into one of those crazy arguments again. Peace and GL to you.
To reiterate this good stuff.

Work on the getting a job, or 2nd job, work to build up money for life expenses on your current move out plan.

Use the friends and friends of friends connections you got and network. A lot of finding work is simply networking, any bum can fill an application that nevergets seen. You get good word from a buddy to a fill a position that's in need ASAP, better to have a foot in the door already and possible good chance tojust come in work right away if they really need the help.

Even if its a crap job compared to your current, or simply low wage if its your only job at the moment, you're out of the drama broken home tension andyou're building bank for a dream that's going to be fulfilled.

After school stuff, stay out the house. Extra curricular - more networking - clubs - sports - library internet - movies whatever.

If both you and the mom, step-dad are dead set on never making it work and (both) have a set in stone plan of getting you out sooner rather than later, make itwork for you. They're counting the days already no doubt. Make progress on your bank, paycheck to paycheck. Put all your concentration on school work -working to build college/living expenses and you won't make bad decisions like spending on things you don't need - splurging on material stuff.

Just make your plan and make moves to get that ball moving, yeah uphill battle but every inch counts.
Originally Posted by ThizzBaby

yes RKO, i love my moms more than anything/anyone/any entity. lol
Tell her how much you love and want a better relationship with her.
Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by ThizzBaby

yes RKO, i love my moms more than anything/anyone/any entity. lol
Tell her how much you love and want a better relationship with her.

Best info in here, imo. Just give her a hug and tell her what RKO told you to. She's your mother, she loves you, she'll try to make it work. Tell yourstep dad that you want a good relationship with him too, someone you can look to as a father figure. Even if you dont mean it, it'll get him thinking.Especially if he knows of your real dads situation. It's gonna take time, but if you can build a good relationship with them the days will look a lotbrighter. Good luck with getting into college too, man.
^ did u JUST change your avy?? o_O

but thanks. i plan on doing that. well see what happens... good night NT.
go to school
work hard
buy ya self somethin everynow and then and when ya parents get old put um in a cheap old dirty old folks home and tell them go f*ck themselves
you don't really have much choice in the matter except to

A:smile: if you need moms' help, deal with it and suck it up. this might be your only choice if youre trying to do you by you and finish your education.

B:smile: man up and move out. granted this will be extremely difficult as there are tons of small costs you dont see associated with living on your own, and youreducation is your priority.
Ive realized nothing more important than family, try and mend that relationship with moms first, then keep urself focused word to Tiger vision. Ur going tocollege, dont have a plan B b/c then plan A is irrelevant.
Homie I read everything you wrote and I didn't think I would be saying this to anyone asking for advice on NT...but from what you wrote you seem to have agood head on your shoulders moving in the right direction in life but you were just dealt a bad hand. Your situation sounds very tough, but in times like thisyou have to focus on the bigger picture for your life down the road.

What your mom's and stepdad were doing to you was wrong but it's their roof. I would say that you get away from the situation for a little bit, whichyou are probably doing right now, and let the dust settle. Afterwards you have to make an educated decision as to where would be the best environment for youto be in: back at your mom's, at your dad's, at a friends, or by yourself (only if you can handle it).

Your turning 18 soon and probably going to college in the fall, I would say play it cool if you go back to your mom's house, if it means apologizing to herwhich she shouldn't be getting...then do it...just as long as it makes your life easier until you get to college. And stack all the paper you can and trynot to buy stuff you don't need because it's safer to have more money with the situation your in now just in case you mom flips again.

Things will def. get better for you though, you just have to remain positive and don't let the negative bring you down.
all im gonna say is this. you disown your father cause hes a grown %+! man and gets a lil throwed on the weekends and cheated, yet you passively put up with abelittling mother and a step dad who dont give a damn? maybe you should treat your father a lil better and you could possibly have someone to crash with to getout your dukes house. obviously they divorced and he better than anyone knows the %@+%%*%% your mom can put a man through. man up and quit being so judgmentala trait you seem to have gotten from your mom like it or not and maybe it wont be so difficult living with pops since he seems way cooler and prolly wont giveyou !$%$ about your clothing choices and sneaker choices as long as you dont #@!%# about how hes living. cause in my eyes getting stoned and drunk on theweekends aint nothing at all try complaining to kids abused by there parents or molested who have a REAL reason to disown a parent like that.
1st of all you didnt give much details about the downfall of your relationship with your father. From the reason you gave, you stopped speaking to your fathercuz he cheated on his wife and he smokes/drinks , him cheating on his wife has absolutly nothing to do with you... Everybody in their life at one point oranother has been in a situation deemed suspect to there significant other. It is human nature, ( you will learn this as you get older, if you are the"loyal" one in the relationship guess what your girl is thinking? ) and the end of the day we are still animals. It sucks that he got caught but yourloyalty should only be with your father. My mother and Father divorced because my father cheated on my mother ... Do I hold that against him ... absolutly not... Hes a grown man. My father Drinks on a daily basis , but he provides for his family and I look up to him for that.. granted he doesnt smoke but I swear heshould sometimes lol.

2nd. Dont argue with your mom its not worth it, she carried you for 9 months .. you owe her your life ... Tune her out ... let her talk , dont talk back ... ifyou like what you are doing keep doing your thing. She's your mother but shes also a female. They love to hear themselves talk and it seems like your StepDad knows this and ignores her accordingly .. you are the only 1 giving her the ammo for her arguement at the moment cuz you probably talk back to her. AsSon/Daughters we always talk back , even when you think we're not.

As for the stress you should seriously consider sitting down with your pops one of those weekends and put some of that in your system .. youll notice that yourproblems arent as serious as once thought.

Hope this helps man good luck
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